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If the executor is in process of selling the car for the estate, I believe it would be proper for them to do that. The executor does not own it but it is their position to disperse the assets.

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Q: Can an executor take cars out of state?
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Is there a fee for a executor of a will?

The executor's fee is generally set by state law.

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Yes, they can take periodic fees. It is subject to the state laws and the approval of the court.

Can executor appoint a representative?

Generally, an executor can appoint an "agent" who can act on their behalf. This is done when the executor lives some distance from where the estate is being probated or in another state. You should ask the attorney who is handling the estate. If the executor simply wants to appoint someone else to take over their duties that would not be approved by the court. In that case, the executor should decline and let the court appoint another person as executor.Generally, an executor can appoint an "agent" who can act on their behalf. This is done when the executor lives some distance from where the estate is being probated or in another state. You should ask the attorney who is handling the estate. If the executor simply wants to appoint someone else to take over their duties that would not be approved by the court. In that case, the executor should decline and let the court appoint another person as executor.Generally, an executor can appoint an "agent" who can act on their behalf. This is done when the executor lives some distance from where the estate is being probated or in another state. You should ask the attorney who is handling the estate. If the executor simply wants to appoint someone else to take over their duties that would not be approved by the court. In that case, the executor should decline and let the court appoint another person as executor.Generally, an executor can appoint an "agent" who can act on their behalf. This is done when the executor lives some distance from where the estate is being probated or in another state. You should ask the attorney who is handling the estate. If the executor simply wants to appoint someone else to take over their duties that would not be approved by the court. In that case, the executor should decline and let the court appoint another person as executor.

What is the hourly rate for an executor?

The amount an executor can charge varies from state to state. You need to check the laws in your state. You could try a search for 'executors fees in your state'.

Are executor fees taxable in New York state?

They are income for the executor. Yes, they are taxable.

After an estate is closed how long does it take to get your money?

The length of time for probate vary by county and state to state. But, mostly it depends on the executor as to how efficient they are in doing their duties after the probate process is complete. Find out who the executor (or admnistrator) is and ask them how long it will be before they start distributing the estate. ( You can find out who the executor is by viewing the will at your local Probate Court.)

Do you have to go through probate in Oregon if there is a will that appoints an executor?

Yes, the only way an executor can be empowered to act as an executor is by having the will probated and having the court issue documents to the executor that state that that person is the executor.

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Petition the court to replace the executor.

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There is no specific time limit. A complex estate can take decades to get settled.