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An heir has no right to refuse. Debtors can apply to the probate court for someone to become executor and protect their rights and debts.

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Q: Can an heir refuse to probate a will with oil and gas mineral interest at stake?
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What does common stake means?

A common interest/ hobby

The requirement of standing means that parties in a case must?

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How do you spell a plate of steak?

The correct spelling of the meat cut is steak, whereas the spelling "stake" means a ground anchor (e.g. tent stake) or an interest (e.g. having a stake in a business deal, or in the outcome of an event).

What stake holder?

Is any group or individual who has an interest in or is affected by the activities of a business. It can be internally or externally.

What is stake holders?

Is any group or individual who has an interest in or is affected by the activities of a business. It can be internally or externally.

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Who do I not want as my probate attorney?

You do not want an attorney who does not understand you situation and would compromise your stake in claiming your share. This can usually be achieved by doing a little background research before hiring your attorney.

What is another woard for interest?

Examples of synonyms for the noun "interest" are: attraction appeal regard enthusiasm hobby pastime concern business stake share Examples of synonyms for the verb "interest" are: attract captivate entertain fascinate

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It is permissible if the purchaser has an "insurable interest" in the life of the other person. This means that the purchaser has a "stake" in the life of the proposed insured. The insurable interest can be "love and affection", such as in another family member, or a financial stake such as between business partners. The farther away the relationship is, the more remote the insurabbe interest becomes. and the less likely the insurer will issue the policy.

What is the history of the term stakeholder?

From old practice of land claims, mineral rights, etc., where one placed a (wooden) stake to delineate the boundary of a claim of a property right.

Where can I find information on low interest credit cards?

The best place to find information on low interest credit cards is your bank. They deal with your money and care more about you and your money than a national company who has no stake in you.

A pointed wooden stick to be driven in to the ground?

A tent-peg. A spike. A stake.