



Probate is the process and the type of court that handles the evaluation of an estate. This includes the inventory and the subsequent liquidation through settling debts and the transfer of property.

2,421 Questions

Which states are separate property states?

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Some examples of separate property states in the United States include Arizona, California, Nevada, Texas, and Washington. In these states, assets acquired by one spouse during the marriage are considered separate property, unless they are specifically designated as joint property.

Can you give any speech about trust?

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Asked by Wiki User

Here is a sample speech about the importance of trust:

My friends, trust is the foundation upon which all meaningful relationships are built. It is the glue that binds us together as individuals, communities, and societies.

Without trust, we cannot function effectively. How can we work together, support one another, or have confidence in our institutions if we do not trust those around us? Trust allows us to take risks, be vulnerable, and believe in the goodwill of others.

Trust is earned through consistent, honest, and ethical behavior over time. It is demonstrated through our actions, not just our words. When we are reliable, transparent, and act with integrity, we cultivate trust. Conversely, when we are deceptive, unreliable, or act in self-interest, we erode trust.

Trust is especially critical in our most important relationships - with our family, friends, colleagues, and leaders. In these contexts, trust enables us to confide in one another, rely on each other's support, and work towards common goals. Without trust, these relationships become strained, fragile, and ultimately unsustainable.

At the societal level, trust in our institutions, government, and fellow citizens is what allows communities to function and progress. When that trust breaks down, we see the unraveling of the social fabric - increased polarization, conflict, and instability.

My friends, in these challenging times, the need for trust has never been greater. As individuals, let us strive to be trustworthy in all our dealings. As a community, let us work to rebuild the bonds of trust that have been frayed. For it is only through trust that we can overcome our divisions and build a brighter future together.

Thank you.

Do you have to accept what was left to you in a will or can you give it to someone else in the will?

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Asked by Baddad56

In most cases, you can choose whether to accept what was left to you in a will or not. If you decide not to accept it, you can disclaim the gift, allowing it to pass to someone else as specified in the will or according to inheritance laws. It's important to follow legal procedures for disclaiming an inheritance.

What goes in a revocable trust?

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Assets such as real estate, bank accounts, investments, and personal belongings can go in a revocable trust. You can also include instructions for how you want your assets to be managed and distributed during your lifetime and after your passing. Additionally, you can name beneficiaries who will receive the assets held in the trust.

What do I call my daughter's daughter?

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Granddaughter Try calling her by her name. Another view suggests that merely calling her by her given name has little to do with the kinship of the grandmother and the granddaughter. It looks like that somebody wanted to know who was related to whom.

Call her by her name, yes, but also recognize her relationship: relationship is, in this kinship system, not a function of names, but lineal associations, that is, blood lines, or better who was born by whom and who was the father supposed to be.

Your daughter's daughter is your granddaughter.

What is a caveat?

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usually a warning or a condition one should be aware of as in the latin phrase caveat emptor which means buyer beware!! and that is the full extent of my knowledge of latin In addition to the above, the term "caveat" refers to a challenge of the validity of a will after the decedent has died but before the will has been admitted to probate. It has the effect of forcing the matter into will contest litigation. ---- In the UK, a caveat is a restriction entered at the Probate Registry to prevent someone from taking out a grant of probate or grant of letters of administration. It is usually done where there is likely to be a dispute, e.g over the terms of a Will or over who should administer an intestate estate. It does not always lead to litigation - it simply prevents administration of the estate until the dispute is resolved, either by mediation, litigation or other agreement between the parties. A caveat needs to be renewed regularly, and can be removed at any time by the person who registered it.
A warning of specific conditions or limitations.

How long do you have to run newspaper ad for creditors for probate in pa?

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In Pennsylvania, creditors must be notified through a legal notice published in a local newspaper for three consecutive weeks. This requirement is in place to allow potential creditors to come forward and make claims against the estate during the probate process.

What does an executor of estate do when a will wasn't made and there is a lot of unknown debt Is it mandatory to post who the executor is in the newspaper so these debts can be paid?

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When there is no will, the estate is typically distributed according to state laws of intestacy. The executor would need to identify and pay off any known debts using the estate's assets. While it may not be mandatory to publish the executor's name in the newspaper, doing so can inform any creditors of the estate, making it easier to address outstanding debts.

How do you see obituary from castleberry Florida?

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To find an obituary from Castleberry, Florida, you can search online obituary databases, check with local newspapers in the area, or visit the official website of the city or county to see if they have any recent obituaries posted. Additionally, funeral homes in the area often have obituaries on their websites or can provide information on recent services.

How can you find the assets of a death in intestate?

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To find the assets of a deceased individual who has died intestate (without a will), you can start by searching their personal records, such as bank statements, tax returns, and property documents. You may also contact financial institutions, employers, and government agencies to inquire about any assets in the deceased's name. It may be helpful to consult with a probate attorney for guidance on the legal procedures involved in identifying and distributing the assets.

For probate purposes are old and used furniture etc considered to be of any value?

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Yes, old and used furniture can have value for probate purposes, especially if they are antiques or collectibles. It's important to have them professionally appraised to determine their fair market value. This valuation will be used for probate inventory and potential distribution to beneficiaries.

Where can you find Estate Administration and Probate of the Estate forms?

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You must obtain the forms from the court where the probate will be filed.

You must obtain the forms from the court where the probate will be filed.

You must obtain the forms from the court where the probate will be filed.

You must obtain the forms from the court where the probate will be filed.

Can you revoke your waiver of inheritance?

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In general, it is not possible to revoke a waiver of inheritance once it has been made. Once the waiver is signed and accepted, it is legally binding. However, laws can vary depending on jurisdiction, so it is always advisable to consult with a lawyer for specific advice regarding your situation.

How does the executor of the estate of deceased car owner change the vehicle title to new owner in NC?

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To change the vehicle title to a new owner in North Carolina, the executor of the estate of the deceased car owner needs to follow these steps:

  1. Obtain a certified copy of the death certificate of the deceased car owner.
  2. Complete the appropriate sections of the vehicle title, including the transfer of ownership section.
  3. Submit the completed title, along with the certified copy of the death certificate, to the North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) for processing.
  4. Pay any necessary fees and taxes required by the DMV.
  5. Once the transfer of ownership is approved by the DMV, a new vehicle title will be issued in the name of the new owner.

What documents do you have to have when a person with a living estate dies?

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When a person with a living estate dies, it is important to have several important documents: the deceased person's will, any trusts they may have created, legal identification documents (such as a passport or driver's license), their birth certificate, their social security number, and any financial records (bank statements, investment accounts, etc.). These documents will help facilitate the probate process and ensure that the deceased person's estate is handled in accordance with their wishes.

I live in TN. My dad's will states half goes to me and half goes to my sister. If my sister dies and then my dad dies before he can change the will does my sister's husban get her half?

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The distribution of assets would depend on the specific provisions in your father's will. If the will does not mention any alternative beneficiaries or contingencies, then your sister's share would typically pass to her heirs, which may include her husband. However, it is advisable to consult with a legal professional to understand the specific laws of your state and review the details of the will.

How do you become a executor of the estate in Colorado?

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To become an executor of an estate in Colorado, you need to be named as such in the deceased person's will. If you're not named, you can still apply to the probate court to be appointed as an executor. This involves filing a petition with the court and providing necessary documentation, such as the death certificate and the will. It's advisable to consult with an attorney familiar with Colorado probate laws to guide you through the process.

How can i challenge intestacy law?

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To challenge intestacy law, you would typically need to consult with an estate planning attorney who specializes in probate law. They can help you understand the specific requirements and grounds for challenging the law in your jurisdiction. This may involve filing a lawsuit in court, presenting evidence, and making legal arguments to support your case.

Does an executor have the right to a fee after probate on the sale of a property?

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Yes, an executor is entitled to a fee for their services after probate, including the sale of a property. The amount of the fee can vary depending on the laws of the jurisdiction or the terms of the will, but typically, it is a percentage of the estate's value or the proceeds from the property sale.

Can you open probate to collect a debt from an estate?

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No, you cannot open probate solely to collect a debt from an estate. Probate is the legal process by which a deceased person's assets are distributed to beneficiaries and debts are paid. However, if you are owed a debt by the deceased, you can file a claim against their estate during the probate process to receive payment.

Why is a bond posted in an estate lawsuit?

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A bond is posted in an estate lawsuit to protect the estate and its beneficiaries from potential harm or loss caused by the actions of the executor or administrator. By posting a bond, the executor or administrator provides assurance that they will fulfill their duties faithfully and responsibly. If they fail to do so, the bond can be used to compensate the estate for any damages incurred.

Can a property from probate estate be rented out monthly if there are creditor claims?

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In most cases, a property from a probate estate can be rented out monthly even if there are creditor claims. The income generated from the rental can be used to satisfy those claims after other expenses related to the property have been paid. It's important to consult with an attorney or probate professional to ensure you are following the proper legal procedures.

When someone died how do you know if he left anything in the will for you?

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Typically, the executor of the deceased person's estate will inform beneficiaries mentioned in the will. If you suspect that you may be mentioned in a will but have not been notified, you can inquire with the executor or contact the estate lawyer handling the matter. Additionally, wills are usually filed with the probate court, so you could check there to see if a will exists and if you are named as a beneficiary.

What is a residuary bequest?

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A residuary bequest is a type of bequest made in a will where the testator designates that any remaining assets or property, after all specific bequests and debts have been addressed, should go to a particular beneficiary or beneficiaries. It ensures that the chosen recipient receives any remaining portion of the estate.

Can a Will be ignored?

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A Will should generally be followed unless there are legal grounds to challenge its validity, such as fraud, undue influence, or lack of mental capacity of the testator. However, laws vary by jurisdiction, so it is best to consult with an attorney to understand the specific rules and circumstances that could potentially invalidate a Will in your jurisdiction.