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The bug bite will not cause shingles. Shingles is a re-activation of the chickenpox virus that affects a single nerve bundle, generally on the torso.

The symptoms you are describing could be shingles (particularly if you had chickenpox as a child), or it could be an infection in the lymphatic system (possibly caused by a bug bite).

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Q: Can an infected bug bite first diagnosed cause shingles or is it not a bug bite but a single shingle and days later several blisters down your right arm and shoulder that I could feel burst?
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Can shingles cause arm shoulder neck chest pain?

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That's the course in which Shingles go and it's very painful. Shingles follows a line (a nerve) and can be anywhere on the body but the most popular place for this unpleasant problem is from under the shoulder blade to below the breast (under the arms) in women and men. Eventually the red spots will turn into blisters and it's at this time the person has to be most careful and they can be contagious. The doctor can give you medication which will generally clear it up in 4 days to a week (depending on the individual) and also an ointment (that smells and looks like you applying clear nail polish) on the sores so they will dry up. Take good care of yourself and if you don't have a doctor go to a clinic and be sure to keep an eye on this. Some individuals can have a recurrence of this. For more information go onto Type in: What is shingles in humans?

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