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Q: Can an insurance company hold benefits due a disabled adult when POA requests release of them?
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Is there any insurance company in new jersey specifically for disabled drivers ?

While there seem to be no specific programs for New Jersey disabled drivers, insurance companies often offer special plans for disabled or elderly drivers. There are also benefits for elderly or disabled drivers that don't necessarily pertain to insurance. The New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services' Special Benefits Program for the Aged and Disabled, for example, offers discounts on car registration.

What are some benefits of having a Fiat company insurance?

The benefits of Fiat company insurance are that the Fiat vehicles under the insurance are completely covered. This is true regardless of who the driver may be.

What are the benefits of using the American Life Insurance Company?

Some benefits of using the American Life Insurance Company are low rates, combined insurance discounts, and consultants available to answer any questions. This life insurance company can give an individual peace of mind.

Many people has disabled drivers what are some of the car insurance companies available?

Yes Allstate Insurance company does offer insurance for disabled drivers in Florida. You can call their eight hundred number or check out their website at

What are employee benefits?

Employee benefits are things other than money the company gives you: medical insurance life insurance disability insurance retirement benefits vacation paid holidays

My husbands company is self insured I have been covered under his insurance for 5 years can the deny me coverage now if I don't provide a Social security number?

Yes... you are not entitled to receive benefits; you must comply with their requests in order to take advantage of their offer of insurance.

Will moving to another state affect your disability benefits?

Your individual disability insurance policy is portable and benefits will not be affected by moving to a different state. If you have disability insurance through your employer, and move in a new state while working for the same employer, benefits will not be changed. However, if you leave your employer, you may lose the disability insurance benefits through a group DI policy. If you are currently disabled and are receiving disability benefits from the state, you will have to check with the new state regulations on social security DI; If you are receiving benefits through a personal/ individual insurance policy from an insurance company, then benefits are not going to be affected by the state of residence.

What are the benefits of cooperating with State Farm Insurance?

State Farm Insurance is an insurance company operating in the United States. They advertise numerous benefits of doing business with them. Some of these benefits for automotive insurance including discounts for being a good driver, good student, and having multiple lines with their company.

What are the benefits of doing business with the Hartford Life Insurance Company?

The Hartford Life Insurance Company has numerous benefits including different plans with various prices that can help anyone to obtain life insurance at a reasonable price.

Where can I purchase disabled driver car insurance?

Yes you can in fact do this online. You can go to any of the major insurance company websites, look at their options and purchase insurance.

What is California's policy on car insurance for disabled drivers?

California laws dictates that people with disabilities cannot be denied car insurance coverage. Each individual will have to be assessed and the risks factors written into the car policy as the insurance company must do, but you can get coverage with insurance companies if you are disabled.

What are group benefits?

Group benefits are financial benefits that are available to a group of people such as company employees. Insurance and pensions are included in group benefits.