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A double degree program also known as a combined degree, involves a student working at two university's simultaneously. Many university's allow this, as it takes less time to complete than doing one degree on its own. It's just the matter of finding a university, the universities can even be in different countries!! Hope i helped!! x

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Q: Can an international student attend 2 universities at the same time?
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, I attend university & cegep at the same time and I still get financial aid. The only thing is that you only receive aid for one of the institutions you're attending, you have to choose the university you'll put on your application form based on your needs. I applied for a loan as a cegep student because I knew I would get less money - I just can't spend money wisely.... Hope this helped

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Often, US universities will have exchange programs with universities in other parts of the world which allow for students to pay the same tuition they normally pay for university even if they study in another country. Check out your home university's study abroad programs and see what they offer. If you are looking to apply to a US university for the duration of getting your full degree, you will likely have to pay the same as out of state students do for each respective school. US Universities vary greatly in terms of tuition so you'll have to do some research about each school that interests you. Some cheaper options in general are CUNY (City University) and SUNY (State University) schools. Good luck!

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Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) have the same opportunities as anyone else. They attend universities, have professional jobs, raise families, and whatever else they'd like to do. The Church provides further opportunities by providing scholarships, student loans, and assistance in finding employment. Check out the "Related Links" below to learn more about Mormons.

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You can transfer schools in the same county without breaking the law by moving into the appropriate school district. This will rezone the student to the appropriate school and allow them to attend without breaking the law.

What kind of grants can international students get to study here in the US?

International students in the US can apply for various grants and scholarships to support their studies. These include institution-specific grants offered by universities, merit-based scholarships, government-funded grants like the Fulbright program, and private funding sources such as foundations and organizations that support international education. It is recommended to research and reach out to specific universities, scholarship programs, and organizations for detailed information and eligibility criteria.

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Like traditional universities, online universities need the same kind of accreditation and maintain same standards in order to be recognized. Corllins University is an accredited online university. Online universities are just as real as other colleges and universities.