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This would depend on the visitation rights and, weather or not the charges pressed if any. In most cases they can for right resons, such as neglect, abuse and, many others, but in some they cant.

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Only the court can grant and take away visitation rights.

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How can i Summons the noncustodial parent for visitation?

the custodial parent is the parent the child lives with the non custodial parent is the parent the child does NOT live with the non custodial parent assuming he / she knows he is a parent... is usually the patitioning parent. if he /she chooses not to seek visitation rights the court cannot force him/ her to see the child.... but they can enforce child support. research the laws for your state.

Can you force child visitation?

I think you mean if the visiting parent has a court ordered visitation. If the parent has court ordered visitation then yes the child is forced to be with the parent, that is what the court order is for. If the parent has no court order than legally the answer is "no" but i think if both parents agreed to a time for one of them to spend time with their child the child being a minor must do as the parents tell him or her to do.

Can the courts force a child to vist a non custodial parent?

No one can "force" you to visit your child, although refusing visitation would likely have negative consequences like the loss of visitation rights in the future and the loss of parental rights as far as decision-making (also the loss of the love of your child!!!). Refusing visitation will not reduce or eliminate your child support obligations; in fact, the custodial parent would have a much stronger case if they requested an increase in support and could show the judge that you are not contributing in other ways to the child's well-being.

What age can a child refuse visitation with a noncustodial parent in Washington State?

if the child doesn't want to see the noncustodial parent he doesn't have too. don't force him to do it =)

Is visitation in Virginia mandatory?

No. The court can order child support but it cannot force a parent to visit their children.

What if non costodial parent does not follow visitation?

You have to file a motion for contempt in the court that issued the visitation order to have a judge review the situation and modify the visitation order if appropriate. The court cannot force a parent to visit with their child. However, if the non-custodial parent is trying to pick the child up during non-visitation hours or bringing the child back late, the court will impose further orders and likely modify the visitation order if the problem persists. If the child is prepared for visits and the parent fails to show up that is also extremely stressful for both child and custodial parent. If the parent continues to violate the order they can eventually lose their visitation rights.

What happens if the father does not return children to their mother who lives out of state pursuant to a court order?

Neither the court nor the father can force the non-custodial parent to take advantage of their visitation rights. The custodial parent can return to court to request a modification of the existing visitation order if the parent continues to violate it. It's not fair to the child to continue to be prepared for a visitation that doesn't take place.Neither the court nor the father can force the non-custodial parent to take advantage of their visitation rights. The custodial parent can return to court to request a modification of the existing visitation order if the parent continues to violate it. It's not fair to the child to continue to be prepared for a visitation that doesn't take place.Neither the court nor the father can force the non-custodial parent to take advantage of their visitation rights. The custodial parent can return to court to request a modification of the existing visitation order if the parent continues to violate it. It's not fair to the child to continue to be prepared for a visitation that doesn't take place.Neither the court nor the father can force the non-custodial parent to take advantage of their visitation rights. The custodial parent can return to court to request a modification of the existing visitation order if the parent continues to violate it. It's not fair to the child to continue to be prepared for a visitation that doesn't take place.

What if the father does not visit the child as ordered in Florida?

Courts can write orders that create and define the conditions of visitation, such as frequency, duration, holidays, etc. But, courts cannot force the non-custodial parent to participate in visitation or to be a parent. The custodial parent should keep track of dates and the facts that occurred on dates when the non-custodial parent failed to show up for visitation. That information will be useful if you choose to ask the court to modify the visitation order. NOTE: Child support and visitation are two separate issues. Child Support must be paid even if the non-custodial parent never takes responsibility for parenting.

What to do when the other parent only show's up for visitation sometimes?

You cannot force a parent to visit their child, however if they are not abiding by the court order outlining visitation, you can either file an action against them in the court of jurisdiction for contempt of court, or apply for a modification of the original custody/visitation order, stripping them of their rights to visitation or lessening them. If such an order is approved and the custodial arrangement is changed, child support may also be modified based on the same.

What are the consequences if a judge orders a father to come every day between 3 and 5 p.m. and he does not comply?

The court cannot force a parent to have visitation with a child. The court can order the non custodial parent to pay child support and other expenses related to the minor child's welfare.

Can a court order your son's father to spend more time with him?

No, unfortunately. A court cannot force a father to spend time with his child. The court can issue a visitation order but cannot force the non-custodial parent to obey it.