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No it can not

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Q: Can an okta touch go on prepaid?
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Can the enV touch be a prepaid phone?

I'm sorry to say to you that the Env Touch can not be a prepaid phone. It has something to do with the internet because for the regular plan, you would have to pay an extra $10 additionally to the original plan. So the Env Touch can not be a prepaid phone. but there are many other phones that can be a prepaid phone like then Env 2 which is not on the prepaid page on the web but it is a prepaid phone and lots others. you can also call the Verizon store for further information but I hope this helps u and answers most of your questions about the Env Touch :)

Can you buy the LG chocolate touch screen Verizon prepaid?

yes you can put it on prepaid but you have to put it on one of those prepaid monthly plans and you have to have a 9.99 data package. i know this bcuz i have one on prepaid...

What weather factor is Okta measured in?

i don,t no

If you get the lg rumor touch on virgin mobile is it prepaid?

Yes I Have One(:

Can you use the enV as a prepaid phone?

yes you can get any Verizon phone Prepaid as long as it isn't touch screen and doesn't have 3g coverage

Can you use a lg chocolate touch for Verizon prepaid?

yes, you can use any phone on verizon prepaid. only thing is you may ned to get a data plan.

Can you use a prepaid SIM card with a my touch?

Yes you can, it should have some data though.

Can the Samsung glyde be prepaid?

All Verizon phones cant be prepaid. No smart phones, the Glyde can't, and most touch screen phones cant be used prepaid. When I need to know for sure I call *22898 prepaid activation to ask. I bought the Glyde and it couldn't. yes. all Verizon phones can be prepaid. <3

How do you use prepaid in a sentence?

His ticket was prepaid, so he did not have to go to the cashier to buy one.

Where can I go to buy a prepaid phone?

There are many companies that have prepaid phones. You can go with walmart, t mobile, at&t, boost mobile, virgin mobile, or metro pcs is also prepaid.

Can you put a prepaid sim card in a contract phone and it will be prepaid?

Yes you can. . . .for example you can put a at&t prepaid go phone SIM into an at&t contract phone and it will still be prepaid.