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It's not Allergies, but some damage (cartilage) could be causing you to have problems. It is highly possible that you actually have a deviated septum, a deviated septum actually occurs when the bone that seperates your nostrils is skew due to a break. When you have deviated septum it is possible that it can create congestion in your nasal passage and lead to a sinus infection. It is important that you consult an ENT (ear, nose and throat) specialist to see if the deviated septum is causing any complications.

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Q: Can an old nose break cause long-term allergy symptoms?
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It is possible to eat something to which you have an allergy. It could cause sinus symptoms. However, there is no specific food that can stop sinus symptoms.

What symptoms are shown by someone who has a food allergy?

Food allergies affect each person differently. Some allergies can just lead to poor digestion of the food consumed and cause upset stomach. Other allergies can cause the person's face to swell up and their throat to begin to swell, causing them to not be able to breathe. In that case, it is a severe allergy. When you break out into hives, it's a mild allergy caused by something in the air or something that has actually touched the skin.

What are the symptoms of an eye allergy?

Allergies may affect the eyes when they strike and the main symptoms of an allergy irritating one's eyes is an itchy, bloodshot eye. There may be mild redness right through to severe swelling that may cause one's eye to release discharge.

DoEs peanut butter really make break out more?

Some people have a peanut allergy. Most people do not. The people with a peanut allergy will also be allergic to peanut butter. It could cause them to break out more or it could affect them in other ways.

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There are four different classes of proteins in wheat that can cause allergies: albumin, globulin, gliadin and gluten. Any of them can cause an allergic reaction.

Does smelling a lobster cause allergy?

Allergies are caused by your immune system mistaking something that is harmless for something dangerous, and the allergy symptoms are your body's way of attempting to combat whatever you are alergic to.

Are sunflower seeds an airborne allergy?

sunflower seeds may cause an allergy if eaten but they are not an airborne allergy however sunflower pollen may cause an airbourne allergy