

Can an underage male marry an adult male?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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It's probably not possible, I think.

You need to know the Age of Consent laws in your state or country. Also the laws about gay sex and gay marriage. People who are under-age are usually not allowed to marry. In some places, with parents' permission they can. You need to find all these things out for your place. Is there a Legal Aid Centre, or Citizens' Advice Bureau near you? There may be somewhere that can give you some local answers.

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yes but the underage female/male has to have a parents consent

Does pregnancy make underage marriage easier?

In some cases yes. If you are both underage he will need parents permission.In most states a female can marry without parental consent if she is pregnant.Only in Florida can a male who is underage and expecting a child can marry the mother of that child.However, if you are not pregnant, please do not try to get pregnant just to get married.There is no guaruntees.

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Yes, he's an adult and can do what he wishes.

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The underage mother must get parental permission the dad is emancipated so he is by law an adult

Do parents have to consent to underage marriage if the bride is pregnant?

Not for the underage bride.However, if the male is underage he will need his parents permission.Besides in FL.

Can a 15 year old female who is not pregnant marry a 19 year old male at a court house in California?

If they are given a marriage permit, yes they can marry. For a 15 year old to be married: FAMILY CODE SECTION 302. An unmarried male or female under the age of 18 years is capable of consenting to and consummating marriage if each of the following documents is filed with the county clerk issuing the marriage license: (a) The written consent of the parents of each underage person, or of one of the parents or the guardian of each underage person. (b) A court order granting permission to the underage person to marry, obtained on the showing the court requires.

When you marry underage is it the same as emancipation?

Yes, it serves to remove the disabilities of being a minor. Once married (which will require parental permission or a court order) you are considered an adult. And the parents are no longer responsible for you.

Would you marry a man who had underage sex when you hadn't?

Sure, why not? But he had better be okay with his would-be spouse having had underage sex too.

Does Oregon Allow Underage marriage?

You can marry with parental consent at 16

Are you considered an adult if you get married underage with parent consent?

Parental consent has nothing to do with the laws in place. If you are underage by the laws view, you are still underage. if you wonder if marriage emancipates you, yes it does.

If you stay with your grandmother can she give you consent to marry underage?

Only if she is your legal guardian.

What will happen if underage marry without parent permission?

i think nothing will happen why not she has her rights to marry because i think marry for girls is good if she wants it and its better than make sex without marriage i do not know why they allow sex to underage and prevent marriage its not fair laws