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You can try but I don't reccomend it. The cichlids are a lot more aggressive than the angels. My best bet is to keep the angels in a semi aggressive or peaceful community tank. But if you HAVE to put them with cichlids... Put them with South Americans at least

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11y ago
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12y ago

Yes, They can live together because i have a Bala Shark that's like 4 inches and a Rainbow Shark that's 2 1/2 inches with a White Blushing Angelfish that's 2 inches and they are all living together jest Fine....

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9y ago

yes and no. If the African cichlids have somewhere to hide they will most likely stay near that area and tend to themselves. They will also become territorial near that area and nip the fins of the angel when it comes near.

I have two angelfish and a firemouth in a 20 gallon (yes i know it is too small)

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8y ago

as long as you have a cave like decoration the crayfish will stay in that and get some tall plants for the angelfish

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Q: Can cichlids and angelfish live together in a tank?
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Can you put an angelfish in a tank with a couple of rainbows and skirt tetras?

Angel fish are types of cichlids and are considered semi-aggressive and often are fin nippers.

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Tiger barbs, many cichlids, some gouramis, sharks, and eels can all be put together in the same tank as long as the is big enough to hold them all.

Can goldfish and angelfish live together in the same tank?

Technically , both require different environments. Goldfish likes cold water and angelfish likes tropical. However, goldfish can survive in warm water so both can be kept, leaving one of them unhappy.

Can you put a freshwater Cichlid with other freshwater fish?

No, cichlids require lots of space, and they are very aggressive towards other tank mates. If you want cichlids, get a large tank and only put other cichlids in it.

Why does your angelfish return to the same spot at the bottom of your tank?

I dont get it. Did your angelfish die?

Are angelfish and Siamese fighters all right together?

Male fighting fish & angelfish shouldn't be placed together, as they will fight & probably about kill each other. Female fighting fish & angelfish work great, as neither are inclined to chase the others fins. Just remember to place a lot of plants in the tank.

Can you keep damsels and angelfish together?

yes you can hre is a list okay for adding to the tank: Dwarf Angelfish, Large Angelfish, Anthias, Basslets, Blennies, Boxfish, Clownfish, Goatfish, Gobies, Hawkfish, Hogfish, Parrotfish, Pseudochromis, Puffers, Tangs & Surgeons and Wrasse.

What PH should a tank have for cichlids?

The best PH level for cichlids is 6.8-7.2. In discuss cichlids, this level will be much lower (pleas note- discuss are VERY hard to keep).

Is a red fin shark compatible with cichlids?

I have a 260 L tank and have to rainbow sharks with 12 assorted cichlids and have not had any issues.

You have two angelfish they seem to fight all the time?

Angelfish are very aggressive fish. They are also very territorial. They want their own space and the whole tank if they can have it. I'd suggest that if you have a small 3 to 5 gallon tank you get a bigger tank as that size tank is too small for Angelfish.

Why does a big angelfish attack a little angelfish?

To maintain or gain leadership in an area, probably your tank.