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The best PH level for cichlids is 6.8-7.2. In discuss cichlids, this level will be much lower (pleas note- discuss are VERY hard to keep).

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Q: What PH should a tank have for cichlids?
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What pH should a tank have for Oscars?

6.5 to 8.3___________________ Oscars can be kept as said above in a wide range of PH, however they do best in a neutral PH as do most other South American Cichlids which Oscars are. (Neutral PH is 7.0)

What is the highest pH level a tropical freshwater tank that is 10 gallons be at?

It depends on the type of fish and plants that are in the aquarium. For most tetras, danios and swordplants, a pH of 6 is preferred. For guppies, platies, swordtails, hornworts and cichlids, a pH of 8 is ideal.

Can you put a freshwater Cichlid with other freshwater fish?

No, cichlids require lots of space, and they are very aggressive towards other tank mates. If you want cichlids, get a large tank and only put other cichlids in it.

Is a red fin shark compatible with cichlids?

I have a 260 L tank and have to rainbow sharks with 12 assorted cichlids and have not had any issues.

Is it OK to put live plants in a tank with African Cichlids in it?


How big does your tank for two red cichlids have to be?

Red cichlids I am assuming as red devil cichlids and in which case at least a 75 gallon as they get upwards of 13 inches. Also, additional fish in the tank would diminish any aggressive behavior so they would not be focused on one another.

What is the best pH level for African ciclid fish?

the best pH for African cichlids is anywhere from 7.5 to 8.5 they like a high blue colour if you have a pH tester.

Fish tank needs a pH of 5 at present at it is 7 What should you do to the H concentration?

If a fish tank needs a pH of 5, but at present it is at 7, more H atoms should be added to the concentration.

How can i get my African cichlids to stop fighting i have 4 African cichlids and a albino tiger Oscar and the Oscar is the one being hurt?

You should NEVER try to mix African Cichlids with Amazonian Cichlids. It simply can not work. If your tank is set up properly for Africans your water conditions will be slowly killing the Oscar. Please for the Oscars sake get it out of there and in future do some homework/research before mixing species together.

What other Fish can you put in cichlid tank?

other cichlids or other aggressive fish

Can your African chiclids live with your gourami?

99% of the African cichlids are very aggressive fish and will more than likely cause the untimely death of anyother type of fish (and usually same type) that you place within the confine of your aquarium. Also, one should note that PH levels differ between the two. While you can acclimate up and down with fish (Most African cichlids locally are kept PH 7.0 instead of recommended PH 8.2) not all will take the change in stride.

Can Malawi peacock cichlids be kept in the same tank with Malawi mbnua cichlids?

I had peacocks with my yellow lab mbuna and white top hera mbuna cichlid. they will tussle with each other periodically, but it should be fine so long as you have than 4 or 5 to help spread aggression.