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other cichlids or other aggressive fish

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Q: What other Fish can you put in cichlid tank?
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Can you put a freshwater Cichlid with other freshwater fish?

No, cichlids require lots of space, and they are very aggressive towards other tank mates. If you want cichlids, get a large tank and only put other cichlids in it.

Can you put a betta in a tank with a convict fish?

It is quite possible that the Convict cichlid would kill a fish as small and slow as a Betta. I would not try to mix other peaceful species with large aggressive fish like Convicts.

What kind of fish can go in the same aquarium as a Jewel cichlid?

As long as you put in African cichlids with them it should be okay. If you put a south American cichlid, with a African cichlid, they might attack each other because they are not from the same area of the world, and they have never seen them before.

What is the best fish to put in your fish tank?

It depends on how big your tank is. If you have a large tank, clown loaches, red-tail sharks and bala sharks are cool (maybe some sort of catfish, just not a real cat, they don't like to swim). You could do a cichlid tank (note that they only get along with other cichlids and fish that can stand up for themselves. If you have a smaller tank, try some barbs or tetras.

Can you put a dragonfish and a cichlid in the same tank together without agressivness?

A dragonfish commonly known as a violet goby or dragon goby is a brackish water fish. Also, they are a very peaceful & shy fish and as such should not be housed with anything but other peaceful fish (mollies, guppies or platys)

What fish would you put in a community tank?

You put minnows or other fish well im not sure

Can you put a female and male fighting fish in the same fish tank?

no you can not put a female and male fighting fish in the same tank because they will just kill each other

How can you stop your fish from biting each other?

put them in a separate tank

What fish exactly can you put in the same tank as a betta fish?

anyother fish, they only fight with each other

What do you put in a fish tank?

a fish

Why can't a fighting fish be with other fishes?

Fighting fish are territorial and can be very aggressive, they will kill other fish if you put them in the same tank.

Can you put a blow fish in the same tank as a betta fish?

no they will kill each other bettas are vicous