

What pH should a tank have for Oscars?

Updated: 11/10/2022
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12y ago

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6.5 to 8.3___________________

Oscars can be kept as said above in a wide range of PH, however they do best in a neutral PH as do most other South American Cichlids which Oscars are. (Neutral PH is 7.0)

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Q: What pH should a tank have for Oscars?
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hi im 13 ive had Oscars and are sensitive to nitrates you should be changing the water regulary and should have an air pump and they should have a big tank and not to many tank mates hi im 13 ive had Oscars and are sensitive to nitrates you should be changing the water regulary and should have an air pump and they should have a big tank and not to many tank mates

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If you have a well filtered and properly set up tank that measures around 8 feet x 2 feet x 2 feet you have a tank that is just about large enough for 4 adult oscars.

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The Oscar fish naturally stay calm when they are in a pair.keeping more than two Oscars in the same fish tank can cause then to get aggressiveso keep two Oscars at the max in one tank.

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What is the best water temperature for Oscars?

The temperature of an Oscar tank should be between 21°C and 28°C although Oscars will be okay with water up to 30°C. Too cold can result in your fish becoming susceptible to diseases and too hot would mean reduced oxygen in the tank. The optimum temperature should be around 24°C.

Why do Oscar fish need to live alone?

Oscars should be kept alone so they don't eat any of your other fish of fight with other Oscars. Oscars also grow very fast and as they do they become more and more aggressive. They can sometimes be kept with a large plecostomus if your tank has plenty of room.

Can koi and Oscars be tank mates if the koi is double the Oscars size?

You might be able to get away with it, but honestly i don't think it's a very good idea. The Oscars are likely to nip the fins of the koi. Oscars are much more aggressive

How do you know if your Oscar fish is dying?

If you do the right thing by your fish it should not be dying. The basic rules for keeping fish are :- 1 inch of fish needs a minimum of 1 gallon of water (Oscars need much more). :- every tank needs a permanently running cycled filter. :- every tank needs to have at least 50% of its water changed every week.. Oscars need a temperature of above 75F and below 85F. One Oscar needs a properly set up 20 gallon tank. 2 Oscars can get by in a 30 gallon tank.