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Yes. Quicksand is equal opportunity non-discriminatory. Anything that won't float on top or that can float on top but struggles and moves so that its weight per surface area increases enough will sink.

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no they can not be

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Q: Can animals and humans get trapped by quicksand?
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Can you walk on quicksand?

I wouldn't recommend trying it, by definition. If you become trapped in quicksand the recommended action is to lie down as you will then float and it's supposedly possible to swim slowly out. Quicksand is just a sand / water mixture that may have an apparently firm surface.

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well, if they get trapped, they use their sharp teeth to fight, or they run into the water where many animals can't get them Their strong jaws can seriously injure animals and even humans!

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Some people believe that keeping animals in zoos in cruel because they are trapped in cages for the enjoyment of humans. This is not always the case as many zoos have created entire ecosystems in which animals can thrive.

Why do they call it quicksand if you sink slow?

The term "quicksand" is a bit misleading. While it may appear that sinking is slow, it is actually quite difficult to escape once you are trapped in it. The more you struggle, the deeper you sink, hence the danger of being stuck in quicksand.

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How big can a animal be to die in quicksand?

it depends on how deep the quicksand is if it is inches deep the animals will sink 2 inches if it is 50 feet deep the animal will sink 50 feet

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Humans are animals

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