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All living things can move.

Have you ever seen a plant grow towards sunlight? That's a good example of it.

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6mo ago

No, both animals and plants are capable of movement. While animals have the ability to move from one place to another, plants exhibit different types of movements such as growth towards a light source (phototropism) or in response to touch (thigmotropism).

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Q: Can animals move but plants cannot?
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Are living conditions for plants and animals similar?

no, because plants make their own food where animals depend on others . animals can move freely but plants cannot move freely.

Plants cannot move from one place to another like can?

Plants cannot move from one place to another place in the way that animals can. Plants are rooted to the ground.

Different of animals and plants?

Plants cannot move while animals can. Plants cannot reproduce on their own while animals can. Plants require an agent of pollination to reproduce indirectly. Please, correct me if I'm wrong.

How do plants differ from animals in terms of locomotion?

Animals can walk while plants cannot but plants can also move but not in locomotion they can only bent or creep in search of sunlight.

What are two reasons why animals rely on photosynthesis?

Animals do not rely on photosynthesis - plants do. Animals cannot make their own food. That's why they can move around.

Can a plant move about?

No plants cannot move.

How does a plant moves?

Plants cannot move.

Why do animals and plants move?

they move so they can go and catch their food

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animals move plants don't plants photosynthesize animals don't plants have leaves and flowers animals don't animals give off carbon dioxide plants give off oxygen animals have highly developed sensory and nervous systems plants don't

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Animals and plants are very different than fungus. Animals cannot produce their own food. Plants can produce their own food.

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Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

What will happen if there are more animals than plants inside the aquarium?

The animals cannot breathe