

Can humans see better in the dark than animals?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Yes of course animals can see better in the dark than humans.Why do you think Owls and Aye-ayes are nocturnal? so their eyesight has to be better than ours .Have you ever seen an animal stumble in the dark/at night ? i havent,but us humans will if we don't have some type of light to see we will stumble or even worse break a toe or something ,because we cant see in the dark.What i am trying to say is that yes of course animals can see better than humans.

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14y ago

No. Why do you think people say that a dog's night vision is better than a human's?
Why do you think owls and aye-ayes are nocturnal? Nocturnal means active at night, so their eyesight has to be better than ours.
Why do you think we stumble around in the dark/at night? Because we cannot see well in the dark.

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15y ago

This depends on which type of animal it is. If it is an owl or a wolf then they can see very well in the dark. If its a hamster or fish or some small animal, they might not. Sarah (age 12)

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