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No, another person cannot directly control your mind. Individuals have control over their own thoughts and actions. However, people can influence each other through persuasion, manipulation, or coercion.

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Q: Can another person control your mind?
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no you freak

Can a human being control another human being with their brain?

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In some nations mind-reading through devices is legal. It is used for intelligence gathering. If one knows the thoughts of another, it is easier to control that person.

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Person under control of another is a puppet

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Another word for mind control is brainwashing.

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Playing with your mind! In a way your question points to the answer. You know already that it's bad when another human being plays with your mind. But the "why" should be obvious: to control you! There is an innate human drive to control everything around you, including people and the environment. To confuse a person is to control them. Yes, you are right not looking for guys who try to control you.

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Is mind control possible?

Well, mind control is not possible because you cannot tell another person through your mind to do something. What I do know personally which happened to many people nowadays, is the ability of a person to manipulate somebody to do something they want, hence conning them because of their ability to talk. That is not mind control, but the art of manipulation through great marketing and talking, so basically control them. Answer 2 yes it can be possible upto some extent by the help of meditation and it is proved by many Indian yog guru i.e. speciallist in meditation or yoga

Do you control your mind or does your mind control you?

Both, because you need to control your mind in order for it to control you

What does it mean when a person is talking to you about another person and blushes?

He or she is searching your mind and he or she totally likes u.

Why you cant control your mind?

You can control your mind because it is your mind you are the one who has control over your body and what you put in it. The mind is amazing in a human being and you obviously can control it

Can your bank teller control your mind?

No, your bank teller cannot control your mind. Nobody can control your mind.