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Q: Can any ingredients in wobenzym cause insomnia?
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If you have chemical or food sensitivities, or any neurological disorders, the ingredients may cause headache. Anything you ingest or rub on your skin can cause headache in a sensitive person.If you have chemical or food sensitivities, or any neurological disorders, the ingredients may cause headache. Anything you ingest or rub on your skin can cause headache in a sensitive person.If you have chemical or food sensitivities, or any neurological disorders, the ingredients may cause headache. Anything you ingest or rub on your skin can cause headache in a sensitive person.If you have chemical or food sensitivities, or any neurological disorders, the ingredients may cause headache. Anything you ingest or rub on your skin can cause headache in a sensitive person.

Cause of royal insomnia?

I believe it to be any small item under a sleeping mat, such as a pea under the mattress of the fairy tale princess.

Can alcohol cause anaphyllactic shock?

If you are allergic to any of the ingredients in the drink, then possibly yes.

Do speed and risperidone have any of the same ingredients?

Yes it does and they both can cause heart attacks.

What are the demographics of primary insomnia?

It is estimated that 35% of adults in the United States experience insomnia during any given year, but the number of these adults who are experiencing true primary insomnia is unknown.

Does Pizza keep you awake?

If I eat any pizza within four hours of going to bed, I am awake all night long. I wish I knew what was in pizza that would cause insomnia.

What does insomnia feel like?

When you have insomnia you feel extremely tired during your entire day, although you still are not able to sleep. I personally have had insomnia my entire life and it makes you very weak, as if you are going to collapse any second.

What are the symptoms of menopause insomnia?

Some of the symptoms of perimenopausal insomnia are mood swings, depression, night sweats and anxiety. It is recommended that any woman with any of these signs see a doctor and discuss options for relief of their symptoms.

Can taking hydroxycut max cause my nuva ring not work?

I can't tell, because hydroxycut max doesn't list all if its ingredients. Contact your pharmacist to see if s/he has any ideas about the components of the trademarked ingredients.

What are nursing interventions for insomnia?

I will answer with the presumption that your patient is hospitalised. A good history is necessary to determine the cause of the insomnia; and take a full set of observations. If your patient is comfortable, has adequate prescribed analgesia for any pain and you can allay any anxiety; they should sleep. Try all non invasive methods such as gentle heat packs, repositioning and a warm caffeine free beverage can be soothing (if fluids are allowed). When nothing else works and you cannot identify any common causes for the insomnia, report your findings to the Medical Officer for further assessment. Short term sleeping tablets for patients are at the discretion of the Medical Officer.

Are any ingredients in bread grown in Iowa?

If you grow the ingredients in Iowa

What are GMO ingredients?

GMO ingredients are any foods or food ingredients that have been genetically modified in a lab.