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Formality is a concept, a blueprint, a protocol, a traditional and non-negociable rule. NOT a guideline. Informality is behavioural, moral deviation, but NOT necessarily different from the formality itself. The difference between the two can be illustrated as follows: " Sign here, please." or "Sign here, it says." A computer however, is not capable of informal attitude, or outcome. Anything erronious or unpredicted would be a result of a human action. Human behaviour itself (facial expressions, etc.) can be seen as a deviation from the formality in question. A formal army, in that sense, would be an army of machines only. Any expression, at all, made by these machines, would again be the result of human informality, for instance a robot that would make a joke, would be no more than the exact formal display, regardless the origin of such bizarre (could NOT be "behaviour")display.Any theory (formality) executed and resulting in 100% computed and predicted outcome, is, however paradoxal, Fomal. Robocop can be seen as impossible, therefore, it happens but in a movie.

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