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Yes, there certainly is no law against it! If you are referring to a non-Catholic giving them as a gift, that is perfectly acceptable.

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Q: Can anyone give a gift of rosary beads?
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Does a rosary have to be blessed before you will give it as a gift?

A Rosary is a religious article, it is best used when blessed. but to give as a gift it does not have to be blessed. polite to tell the person you are giving that the gift is not blessed.

What do you give for a First Communion?

You can give a religious gift, such as a medal or a set of rosary beads, but they may already have been given those, so people often just get a card and put some money in it or a voucher.

Is there such a tradition as christening gifts?

It is appropriate to give a small gift for this blessed event. The tradition of giving gifts at a christening has been around for a long time. I would suggest maybe a small bible or some rosary beads.

You want to give rosary beads as a gift you want to know what you could write in the card about the rosaries?

You could write about the history of the Rosary devotion, how to pray it, the graces it gives, the miracles it has granted or about the Blessed Virgin Mary who is the patron and intercessor of the Rosary. If you are unable to attain good Catholic books pertaining to the above, perhaps you can find something to write from the sites below:

What do you give a baby boy for his christening?

Since christening is a religious ceremony, some nice gift ideas are a rosary or a baby's first Bible. If you do not want to give a religious gift, a nice picture frame or linen pillow is a good choice.

How to Find Beautiful Rosaries?

Rosaries, strings of beads used to count prayers, have been around since ancient times. The rosary is best known as a Catholic tradition, but is found in some form in nearly every faith, including Islam, Hinduism and Baha’i. In Catholicism, the rosary is a tool of meditation. While reciting prayers to God and Mary, the mind focuses on certain events in the life and ministry of Jesus. It is not necessary to be Catholic to learn the Rosary and pray it every day. Many people find the rhythm of the prayers and the feel of the beads conducive to a relaxed, clarified state of mind. Some believe that saying the Rosary will eventually lead to world peace. There is no restriction as to size or materials used to construct a rosary. In fact, a rosary doesn’t have to be a string or chain of beads. People have used buttons, stones, or knots tied in a boot lace. Rosary beads can be strung on sturdy cord or looped on chains. Everyone’s preferences are different, so feel free to look for a rosary that fits your hand and feels comfortable. Begin your search for the perfect rosary in local stores. Besides church goods stores, try jewelry stores, bead shops, and hospital gift shops. Tell them what you are looking for and ask if you can handle different rosaries. Do you like gold or silver chain, or cord? Large beads or small, oval, round, or heart shaped, smooth or carved with designs? Wood, glass, crystal, plastic, or stone? Rosaries made of natural materials give you a sense of connection with the earth. Precious stones impart a sense of the glory of heaven, like in the books of Ezekiel and Revelations. Any color that appeals to you or reminds you of holy things is fine. Blue is the color traditionally associated with Mary. The center of the rosary is a small metal plaque which can have an image stamped on. Most rosary centers have a picture of Mary on one side and Jesus on the other, or some devotional image like the Sacred Heart or the Holy Spirit dove. A popular feature for a rosary center is a tiny container with a drop of water from the Holy Land, or from Lourdes, the great healing shrine in France. At the beginning of the rosary -- the short string of five beads -- is a crucifix. You can also find rosaries with plain crosses. The best thing of all is to find some beads you like and make your own rosary. Most bead shops and a lot of church groups give lessons. Make your rosary in a spirit of joy, even fun, and thanksgiving to God. You may find you like making rosaries so much you want to make more and give them as gifts or send them to missions around the world.

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What is the greatest gift of love you can give someone?

The greastest gift you can give anyone is your love. If they say any different, they don't love you.

Which holidays are gift baskets given on?

Most gift baskets are given on Christmas but there are many other gift baskets you can give. A perfume with shower gels and bath beads would be good for Mother's Day. You can give them with candy and toys for Easter as well. Every holiday is great for a basket.

Can a girl give a boy a valentine gift signing her name if she knows him casually?

You can give a gift to anyone you like. It doesn't obligate them, or you, to anything, it's just a gift. There's nothing magical about it.

Why do catholics take off their rosary beads and hang them up when they enter their home?

Some catholics may do this but it is something personal to the person doing this. My rosary is in my pocket during the day and it goes under my pillow at night. It is a reminder to me at night that the Lord is with me, watching over me and I can rest in His presence in faith and trust. My rosary is used a lot and I think of it as a special tool for prayers, when someone is very ill, I sometimes give them my rosary because of all the prayers that have been said on it, and it is a comfort to them and a link to the Lord.

What is a good gift to make for with your friend?

You could make a friendship bracelet or ankle bracelet from small beads bought at any craft store and give it to your friend.