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The first three are already know to you:

#1 Width

#2 Length

#3 Depth

#4 is Space/Time it is a combination of space and time, but at high energy states they can be separated.

The remaining 7 dimensions are not yet named or discovered, but string theory predict them using math. They are so small they cannot be seen, but gravity seems to work through them. They could be quantum dimensions and the reason why quantum theory has different laws than general relativity theory and larger scales.

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14y ago

As I understand it, string theory doesn't 'explain' the existence of all those extra dimensions, it requires them, and if they are found not to exist, then that discovery will kill string theory. I just told you all I think I know on the subject. Somebody else needs to jump in here and explain more of it to us both.

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13y ago

String theory requires at least 11 dimensional spacetime to work mathematically. However we only detect 4 dimensional spacetime in the universe. So the big question is why can't we find the missing 7 space dimensions? (if not even more!) Some theories say they must be coiled up so tight they are smaller than protons and neutrons, so we don't see them. Other theories say they are expanded so big that our universe is just a dot smaller than a proton or neutron in them.

String theory tries to explain the standard model by making each fundamental particle a tiny loop of vibrating string. All strings are identical but their frequency and modes of vibration determine which fundamental particle they are.

String theory is currently impossible to test experimentally as strings in the theory are too small to detect, even in the most powerful accelerators available.

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Q: Can anyone name the 11 dimensions of M theory of the superstring theory and how is it possible to have 11 dimensions?
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What theories are supported by string theory?

The theory of extra dimensions, infinite universes, the theory where the Big Bang occurred when a membrane of a different dimension crashed into our membrane, gravitons, the theory that gravity seems weakest because gravitons, (open superstrings) can leak through other dimensions and universes. But the problem was that there were 6 theories, but later they found out that the 6 theories were 6 different point of view of the real theory of everything: M-Theory

Why is the big bang important?

If the big bang theory is correct then the Big Bang is important because that is the moment the universe is created. The fundamental importance of the theory is that it is a theory. This means that it is possible to search for information that either supports or refutes it. It is even possible to getsome of this information. If it turns out that this theory is not true, then the exciting and creative search for new theories will kick in.

What is String Theory Explain in Detail?

String theory is the theory that smaller than atoms or even quarks are billions times smaller things called strings waving closed or open bands this is a big supporter of Universe or Multiverse?

Would a Unified theory like string theory or quantum gravity be intrinsically tied to empiricism?

It would depend if the theory were experimentally or obsversationally validated; in the case of String Theory (which is a theory of quantum gravity), more accurately called M-Theory (M-Theory unifies all five variants of String Theory into one with 11 dimensions), experimental validation is out of the question. Experimental validation would require an enormous particle accelerator; the scale of this accelerator simply cannot be imagined. Observational validation is unlikely as well: M-Theory predicts that we should observe magnetic monopoles (magnets that we have are dipole, meaning that they have a North and South end); however these have not been observed and are unlikely to be observed: they are not expected to have a very high density, meaning that the universe is too large and monopoles too few in number. Although it would be great if validated, it is highly unlikely to ever happen.

What is a theory about what happened to Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan?

one theory was that a 15 year old boy heard that the jappenese was hurting Fred Noonan and Amelia told them to stop hurting him the 15 year old boy did not want to tell anyone when he was 15 because he said no one wouldnt believe him

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What is the difference between Superstring Theory and Bosonic String Theory?

Superstring theory is a type of string theory that incorporates fermions (particles with half-integer spin) in addition to bosons (particles with integer spin), allowing for a more complete description of fundamental particles and interactions. Bosonic string theory, on the other hand, only considers bosons and is limited in its ability to describe the full spectrum of particles found in nature.

Are there any formulas for other dimensions?

Sort of. Superstring theory is solvable only in 11 dimensions. Whether or not these dimension exist and what they mean is still to be determined. Google "string theory".

What is a superstring?

The Superstring Theory is an attempt to explain all of the particles and fundemental forces in one theory, by modeling them as vibration of tiny supersmyetric strings. It is commonly considered one of the most promising candidate theories of quantum gravity. It deals greatly with with Einstein's Theory of Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Field Theory, and extremely small and extremely large calculations. E.g. The Planck force 1044 . And the Planck Length 1035 . The String Theory also explains the addition of dimensions, instead of the regular 3 dimension. There is more information at

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Well current superstring theory, requires that there be at least ten dimensions in the universe. However it does not explain why we are only able to observe four of these dimensions. Some versions of string theory require that there be at least 26 dimensions in the universe.So there are already more than the five dimensions you are curious about.

Is the big bang theory and the supersonic theory the same?

I don't think there is such a thing as the "supersonic theory". If you mean "superstring theory", no, they are not the same.

If m theory and string theory suggest 7 dimensions why do you only live in 3?

Algebra, Geometry and Calculus are not able to describe the universe accurately. Consequently, new theories have been developed to help scientists. Keep in mind that they are theories: they have not been proven. For a more indepth look at String, superstring and M theories, go here: Another Answer Actually humans perceive (and live in) 4 dimensions. These are 3 space dimensions and the 4th dimension; time. Superstring theory requires 10 dimensions as I gather from a previous answer and Bosonic string theory requires 26 dimensions. String theory itself collapsed somewhat a couple of years ago and had to be rectified by the mathematical addition of an 11th dimension. See the BBC programme Horizon- Parallel Universes for more info. The reason for the additional dimensions 'is to give enough space for the strings themselves to oscillate'. Different strings of mass-energy oscillate at different frequencies, each frequency the manifestation of a different fundamental particle whether boson or fermion, lepton or quark. We are simply too large to perceive the tiny additional dimensions. We ourselves do not oscillate like a little shaky string. Nor in quantum theory do we wave like a wave-particle. THere are very interesting explanations as to why we do not wave. Maybe there are also equally sophisticated explications of why we fail to oscillate either (in 7 dimensions, or 26).

How many temporal dimensions are possible within String Theory?

String Theory (as its predecessors Relativity and Quantum Mechanics) has only one dimension of time. However it has many more dimensions of space than its predecessors (both had 3 dimensions), as the simplest version of String Theory must have 10 dimensions of space, while more complex versions require more (with no defined upper limit known). The big question is "Why can't we detect those additional 7+ dimensions of space that must be present if String Theory is true?".

What is 'brane tension'?

It's the tension of the strings in Superstring Theory. The tension refers to the ability of a string to vibrate at high or low frequencies, which is responsible for the energies of particles.

Is parallel universe a material reality?

It is a theoritical possiblility in some realms of physics, like superstring theory, and with some mathematical models. But, honestly, it is also theorically possible to prove anything with a certain model of mathmatics. This stuff is interesting, but some makes the brain hurt a lot, the more you consider it.

Is it possible that some matter from our universe has transcended to the other 10 dimensions at the moment of the Big-Bang?

(Asking if this is possible poses the questions "why do you think this might be true?" and "what would be the relevance to our universe and existence?* ) Superstring theory, more specifically "supersymmetric string theory" attempts to model the universe (all of its matter and forces) as variations in the vibratory resonance of tiny strings having ten dimensions. The theory seeks to explain "gravity" at the quantum or atomic level, whereas the other three forces (electromagnetism, strong nuclear force, and weak nuclear force) can be made compatible whether observed on either a very small or a very large scale. Physicists have long sought a single model (single unified theory) that would explain all the fundamental interactions of nature. General relativity and quantum mechanics work well for either large scales or small scales but not for both. Matter that would interact with the physical universe while not visible in it is termed "dark matter" and would exist as variations in the resonance of superstrings. Such matter may have co-existed with the energy and particles released by the Big Bang, or may have been created in an entirely separate manner. Having more than three (or four) dimensions is difficult to conceive, but examining the way these dimensions are formed may give some idea how additional parameters would conceivably be viewed. *("Imagining The Tenth Dimension" by Rob Bryanton examines possible ramifications of multiple dimensions, but not the theoretical mathematics underlying string theory.)

How many dimensions are respectably embraced by science in 2012?

Depends what you mean by "respectably." M Theory, a type of string theory, requires the existence of eleven dimensions in which the strings can vibrate. If you consider M Theory to be "respectable," then the answer is eleven. If your view of M Theory is that, "It's so bad a theory that it's not even wrong," then you might say that eleven dimensions is not respectable.

Has anyone timed traveled?

If anyone has, it was never reported to anyone else. As far as is known, nobody ever traveled through time. And as far as is known to modern scientific theory, it's not possible.