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Q: Can anyone send you a list of foods and ingredients than vegetarians can have or eat?
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Related questions

What is the name of The list of different foods needed to cook a dish?

A list of ingredients.

Are all foods required to have a list of ingredients?

Yes. It is part of the law today.

What bad chemicals are in junk foods?

There are tons of bad chemicals in junk foods. Sugar is one of the worst offenders in the list of ingredients.

You will find a list of ingredients on almost all food packages unless?

You should find a list of ingredients on all food packages. The only exception would be homemade foods packaged by home bakers.

What are the different in baking ingredients?

Each addition of various types of foods in a dish is called an ingredient. The list of foods that make up a recipe is called an ingredient. For example, chicken noodle soup will have chicken as an ingredient, noodles as an ingredient, and other ingredients.

Are Cadbury creme eggs suitable for vegetarians?

You'll need to find out whether the person to be eating the creme eggs can eat dairy food, in case that's included in the ingredients. Check the label, which should list all the ingredients. If you're still in doubt you'll need to check with Cadbury; you can email them with queries from their website.

Is there a way to tell if food is dyed?

All manufactured foods in the US are required to list their ingredients. If a food is dyed, it will contain ingredients like "caramel color" or "blue lake". Anything with ingredients "color" or "lake" is dyed.

Does Taco Bell use peanut oil?

I checked their nutrition guide and their list of ingredients of their foods, they use vegetable oils in their products.

Are dec a cake rainbow sprinkles produced by ach foods peanut free?

When checking ingredients in commercially packaged foods, it is always necessary to read the list of ingredients provided on the label. Manufacturers can change formulas and ingredients without notice, and a particular batch may have additives that are not posted on Internet information sites.

What can't lacto vegetarians eat a list of foods which contain egg or gelatin or rennet and other things lacto vegetarians can't eat?

Well it's normally their choice. Eggs are the embryos of chickens, and many vegetarians are not okay with their consumption. Gelatin is made from various animal products, such as pig skin, cow hoof, or horn, and so would not be eaten by most vegetarians. Rennet is an enzyme extracted from an animal's stomach and used to make cheese, and so is not okay for vegetarians as well.

Ingredients in gbg 10-in-one?

Check out for Detail list of what is in GBG 10 in One and on there is list of foods and how much you would have to eat to get what is in GBG 10 in One.

What ingredients are in indigest ion tablets?

The ingredients to all foods and medicines legally must have the ingredients somewhere on the box or packaging. The list will be in small print and will tell you exactly how much of exactly what is in the item. Keep looking, it will be there somewhere. If it is not on the packaging- ask you pharmacist, they will be able to advise you on the ingredients or give you a better product.