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A VIN number is a Vehicle Identification Number system. This number is in place so that you can determine what country of origin and exact manufacturer this vehicle was made and manufactured.

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Q: Can anyone tell me what vin number stands for?
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What does the vin tell you?

VIN stands for vehicle identification number. Each car is given a unique VIN number. If the vehicle is lost or stolen, this unique number can be used to locate the car.

Where is the motorcycle vin number?

The vin number is the identification of your car. The vin stands for vehicle identification number, which is what the DMV uses to identify your vehicle.

What numbers in the vin is the year for cars?

VIN stands for Vehicle Identification Number. The number in the VIN that corresponds to the year for a car is the tenth number.

What does Oldsmobile engine vin numbers mean?

there is no engine vin vin stands for vehicle identification number

What year make and model is VIN?

VIN stands foe vehicle identification number.

What VIN number digit denotes the harmonic balancer part number in a 1997 f150 pickup?

VIN stands for Vehicle Identification Number. VIN already has the word "Number" in the acronym so you don't need to say "VIN number" the word "Number"is clearly superfluous. BTW, "N" stands for "Number" also in "PIN"

How can you tell if your Dakota is a true rt?

Check the vin number there should be a "z" in the 8th spot on the vin number

How do you tell the age of a forklift?

type the VIN number in.

How can you tell which transmission is in your ford exploer?

Vin number

Is the VIN and the body number the same?

NO. VIN stands for Vehicle Identification Number. This is the real long number usually found on the drivers side just below the windshield. It has letters and numbers in it.

Is a 2001 dodge grand carvan clock spring covered under the recall for repair?

Call a Dealer with your VIN number and they can tell you if you have any open recalls.Call a Dealer with your VIN number and they can tell you if you have any open recalls.

Technician a says the VIN number tells you which country the vehicle was built in technician B says does then can tell you which assembly plant the vehicle was built in who is correct?

A VIN number can tell you all about a car even where it is far. A VIN number is located on all cars.