

Can anyone write you a song?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: Can anyone write you a song?
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He didnt write the song for just anyone, he wrote it for himself..!

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Why in the world would you want to write about someone else's life?! Write a song about your life, or about the life you would want to have if you could!

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He didn't write it to anyone it was about his parents split up !! x

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i dont think he dedicated a song to anyone but he did write kiss me thru the fone, from a past experience :)

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Why a rock song when there could be prayers? But that would be a good idea, why don't you write one!

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Yea, I can. Its doesnt mean Im going to though.

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Excellent question. Why WOULD anyone write a song about a cockroach? Redbeard, why even bother answering a question if it isn't any help?