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Q: Can anything good come out of an affair with another married person?
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How can a married person with bipolar cheat and not remember anything of the affair?

They were in a manic phase when the affair happened.

What is to have an affair?

to have an affair is to be married but still have a relationship [love/sex etc.] with another person.

How many married people have another affair with the same person from the first affair and why?

ANSWER:Good question; but it will be a bit tricky. I never met married people who had an affair, stop the affair and go back to that person for another affair. The only married man or woman that go back to the first affair he or she had are the one that fell in love to that person. And I think that is the reality that most cheater face.

What case if a woman having an affair to a married man?

Its called adultery it's in the ten commandments it says you should not have an affair with a married person even if your married or not

How do you get over an emotional affair that you have with another person?

ANSWER:It's going to be a little tricky, especially if you fell in love with the person you had the affair with. But if this is your final decision, you can do it. All you have to do is stop, don't call the person nor write to him or her. If you are married, talk to your spouse and open up..

What is the difference between an adulterer and an fornicator?

Adultery is a relationship between a married person and another who they are not married to - an affair. Fornication is simply sex between two unmarried people. The difference is that an adulterer is already married, while a fornicator is not.

What is the definition of adultery?

voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a person who is not his or her spouse

When would a married person expect a gift of diamonds?

when they have an affair with someone else

If a married man has an affair with a married woman can he go to jail?

Yes yes yes a million times yes ANSWER: Let me correct that answer, no! I haven't seen a person who is married and had an affair toanother married person in jail. I wish they could so I could have put my ex in jail when he ruined our life.

Was it worth losing your marriage to have an an affair with another woman?

Sometimes two people that get married find they are not compatible with each other and fall out of love and if the man has an affair he may fall in love with the other woman and although cheating is not the right thing to do if he left his wife he does not love for the other woman then he made the right choice. If he still loves his wife then he has hurt her deeply by cheating with another woman and he could well have lost a wonderful and loving person over an affair. Often the other person in the affair is not all the married man thinks they are and he will be the one to pay the price.

What kind of cheating is the worst sexual infidelity or emotional infidelity?

Like what I wrote in my first one, yes it is. emotional affair is worst than anything else when our spouse have the affair. Emotional affair does not contain sex between the married man and the other person but you can be sure that they do fantasize it and talk to each others how it will feel if they can kiss or touch one another...

What is a scorned lover?

ANSWER:A scorned lover is a person who had affair with married or single person who got dump by this person. So in return this scorned person especially a woman will become angry, will do everything to destroy or make troubles to the person this time I will put the wife because the married man stop the affair. Personal experience of mine the ex mistress of the man I married.