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Q: Can baking soda be used for face toner?
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Can baking soda lighten dark spots on face or body and can I use it on daily basis How to use baking soda as recipe for this purpose?

Baking soda can be used to lighten dark spots on face or body, but should not be used on a daily basis.

Can baking soda be used to wash face with?

no probably not because it would get in your eyes

Is baking soda and baking powder one thing?

No. Baking powder is used to make floury things rise. Baking soda is used to add soda bubbles. But Baking Soda and Bicarbonate of Soda are the same thing.

Why baking soda used in soaps?

The baking soda kills the bacteria

Why is baking soda used in receipe?

role of baking soda in bread maging

Is super washing soda the same as baking soda ash?

Yes, super washing soda is the same as baking soda, or baking soda powder. This is also called baking soda ash by some people. It can be used to clean or do laundry.

How do tell baking soda and baking powder apart?

Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate used in leavening foods that have acid in them. Baking powder contains baking soda plus an acid, and is used in leavening acid-free or low-acid foods.

Is baking soda a disposable face mask can you make like a full bowl of it and like store it in the fridge to reuse?

Baking soda can be used as a disposable face mask, but you want to be careful. It can dry out your skin. Making a full bowl of it and storing it in the fridge is a good idea, though.

Can a toner be used on hair that has been lightened with a dye not bleach?

No Because toner is used for face only not for hair

Is baking soda poisonous?

not entirely baking soda is used for many cleaning or itching relief uses.

What is use of baking soda?

baking soda is generally used in cakes recipes to make them fluffier and softer .

What happen if too little baking soda is used in a recipe?

If too little baking soda is used, the product will not rise properly.