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No, bananas would not help you to burn body fat. Moreover, eating a lot of bananas could hinder weight loss. For example, if you were counting carbohydrates, one very large banana could take you over your daily carbohydrate allowance (depending on how may carbohydrates you permitted yourself per day). Two large bananas certainly would. As tasty as bananas are, there are better calorie and carbohydrate bargains for weight loss. For the calories and the carbohydrates in bananas by size, see the page links further down this page, listed under Related Questions.


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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

Bananas have a lot of sugars. But if you keep your total daily calories under 1500, you can eat a banana. Banana is really good for health. So don't make mistake by avoiding banana completely. So banana is not bad for losing weight. But there is a proverb that excess of anything is bad. To know more about weight lose and diet you can visit here.

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Q: Can bananas cause belly fat
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Related questions

Do bananas give you a pot belly?

Bananas do contain fat, about .4 grams each. And, although lower in fat, if you eat enough then yes, bananas can cause fat build up in your body, including the belly area.

Do eggs burn belly fat?

Yes, eggs can burn belly fat. Eggs are rich in high-quality protein, vitamins, and minerals. Therefore, extra energy is demanded by our body to metabolize them. This is how it helps in reducing belly fat.

What makes bananas yellow?

Cause shaun jee is fat

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How to get rid of belly fat quickly at home?

Belly fat is one of the most common problems that people suffer from. Belly fat is more of an aesthetic problem than a health-related one. Despite of that, belly fat can be the cause of many health related problems. One of the biggest reasons of having belly fat are unhealthy lifestyle habits. If you are willing to get rid of your belly fat naturally, then you need to change certain things in your lifestyle. Getting rid of belly fat fast isn’t hard: you just need to reduce the body fat percentage. Fat percentage is the easiest and fastest way to measure your body fat. Apart from that, your body fat percentage will also reflect the rate at which you lose belly fat. To lose belly fat in 4 simple steps, You need to visit my profile description where you'll find a website just copy and open in a new tab. Thank you.

Can you gain belly fat by eating popcorn?

It depends! Are you including them in your calories, and not eating over your calories? If so, then it won't make you gain belly fat! Don't worry. It will cause bloat, though, if you eat a lot of it.

Why does alcohol cause belly fat?

Alcohol affects metabolic activity and prevent the hormone secretion in liver.

Why is belly fat so hard to lose?

Belly fat is actually not fat its your cholesterol. cholesterol is consentrated fat that already partly solid. When you execrise your muscles call for the body to send it fat, it takes from the easy fat first, like your arms legs etc, after approx 15 minutes of exercise it calls for the complex fats, stored in the belly, this fat is also harder to burn and requires alot of oxygen. If you are exercising and breathing hard, you are not getting the oxygen needed to burn the belly fat. exercise longer and at a rate slow enough not to force you to breathe hard. Also when you exercise fast and hard with alot of belly fat, when the belly fat is released it can flood the heart with fat cells, which can cause a heart attack. Call for the fat slowely, long walks, biking etc..... The complex fat in women is stored in the hips............

How can i get belly fat off with out making it obivous?

how can i get belly fat off with out making it obivous

Does the Belly Fat Diet Really Burn Belly Fat?

Many dieters find that belly fat is the most difficult fat to lose. This is what attracts so many people to the belly fat diet. But is this diet really effective? While there are several variations of the belly fat diet, most are based on the idea that limiting carbohydrate intake will reduce belly fat. Unfortunately, while these diets may work, they will not specifically reduce your belly fact. It is not possible to burn fat from one area over another. To lose belly fat, dieters will need to improve their diet, participate in cardiovascular exercise, and lower their body fat as a whole.

Do bananas have fat in them?


Are there any diets to strictly lose belly fat?

There are no diets that can specifically target belly fat, however, belly fat is the first type of fat to be lost on any diet because of its metabolic properties.