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No. Sorry:( They are too big

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Q: Can bass guitars be brought on an airplane as carry on?
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Related questions

How can one identify bass guitars?

Bass guitars are similar in appearance to electric guitars. It has a longer neck and can have four to eight strings. The most common bass guitar has four strings.

Where is jaco pastorius' bass guitar?

Jaco pastorius had many bass guitars. Some of witch are owned by private collectors. Jaco was very rough with his bass guitars therefore some of his bass guitars are broken in many pieces.

Do Sweden make bass guitars?

Hagstrom is a Swedish company that makes bass guitars.

Why bass guitars have more weight then regular guitars?

This is simply because bass guitars have longer necks are therfore made of more wood and so they are heavier

How does the sound of electric guitars differ from bass guitars?

A bass guitar is really low sounding and the highest string on a bass guitar is the lowest on an electric guitar.

Are there any good left handed bass guitars?

Rogue makes some good left handed bass guitars.

How does an esp bass differ from a normal bass?

The ESP Bass guitars offer a completely unique sound compared to the sounds of the normal bass guitars. They are of different shape and are often more expensive.

Can you play bass on a guitar?

yes there are bass guitars available for purchase.

Do they make a bass guitar controller for PS3?

No, they do not. There are only guitars not bass

Are there any good bass guitars that are lighter than usual?

There are many good, light bass guitars. Some good brands include Rees Guitars Lightweight F-Light Bass Guitar and the Yamaha RBX4 A2 Super-Light Electric Bass Guitar.

What are opinions on good amateur bass guitars?

Ibanez make great sounding bass guitars at prises between 250-400 dollars

What is the instruments played in the band black veil brides name of the guitars pleaselike bass or electric you know?

Bass and 2 electric guitars.