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yes i have a Betta, and I've had it for almost half a year and for about a week he had a tank with no filter but then i got a new one and he's fine and hasn't gotten sick. my dad and i also asked an expert on fish and marine animals and he said it was okay to put a filter inside the tank.

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Q: Can betta's live with a filter in there tank?
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Would bettas live with guppies?

Yes, with lots of plants in the tank

Do bettas have to live in a glass tank?

No your betta can live in a plastic tank as well. One of my betta fish live in an acrylic tank with silicon sealing the joint pieces.

Can betas live in the same tank as a snail and a crab?

Bettas do not mind snails at all. A crab with pinchers would dammage the bettas fins

Fish tank size?

betta fish like at least a 1 gallon tank (nothing smaller) > They can live in a community tank but with no other bettas.

Can you put two bettas inone tank?

you can put two girl bettas in one tank but not the males

How much water do you take out of your bettas 2.5 gallon tank that has a filter?

Bettas and other Anabantids like old water. I would be replacing only around half a gallon (4 pints) of its water weekly.

Why can't bettas be in the same tank together?

bettas cant be in the same tank together because bettas wher ment to fight eachother or diffrent aquatic animals.

Is it ok for the bettas if you breed them in a 1 gallon tank?

If you attempt to breed Bettas splendens in a 1 gallon tank you are doomed to fail. Sorry. The minimum sized tank to breed Bettas in successfully is around 10 gallons.

Can 2 male bettas live in a 3 gallon tank with a divider?

Yes with a divider but without they will kill each other.

Bettas and goldfish?

Male bettas should be kept alone. Female bettas can sometimes be kept with other fish, but in a large community tank. Bettas need their space!

Can you have rocks in the tank with baby bettas?


Can male bettas and female bettas live together?

Male and female betta fish should not be kept in a tank together unless the tank is large enough for a female to escape attack, there is a partition or they are breeding. Males will kill the females. They are very aggressive and are not schooling fish.