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If you are speaking of pill contraceptives, studies have prevent that no withdrawal symptoms are evident. My girlfriend and I looked into it for a few months before she took the step into birth control.

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Q: Can birth control cause withdrawal symptoms?
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Will birth control cause a withdrawal period even if you are pregnant?

You get a withdrawal period AFTER you go off birth control.

Can stopping the birth control pill cause leg pain?

If you are having leg pain you should see a doctor because birth control can cause blood clots and they are painful and very dangerous if not treated. Leg pain is not a sign of birth control withdrawal.

Does doing acid cause withdrawal?

No, the actual process of taking the acid will not produce withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms appear when someone is trying to quit the drug, or go 'cold turkey.' quitting the use of any drug will cause withdrawal symptoms, it just depends on how often you used the drug, and for how long, to how severe the symptoms will be, and how long they will last for.

Can NuvaRing cause dark brown bleeding?

Yes, withdrawal bleeding can be red, dark brown, or black when you're on hormonal birth control. Any of these counts as a withdrawal bleed.

Can the birth control pill cause brown or black discharge?

Yes, the birth control pill can cause brown or black discharge. Any amount of brown, black, or red discharge is considered a "period" or withdrawal bleed when you're on the pill.

Is withdrawal bleeding menstruation?

The withdrawal bleeding is not regular menstruation. Birth control changes the hormones in your body and suppresses ovulation, therefore there's no egg that was released to cause menstruation. That's why birth control prevents pregnancy.

Could stopping the birth control pill cause pregnancy symptoms?

If you're not taking the pill, it's always possible to get pregnant, fake symptoms or not.

Can being off meds cause hallucinations?

If the medication is used to control hallucinations and you stop taking the medication the likelihood that you will experience more hallucinations is extremely high. There are also other drugs that the body becomes dependent upon, and if they are suddenly stopped can cause withdrawal symptoms; withdrawal can cause hallucinations.

What are the withdrawal symptoms of norco?

Norco is a controlled opiate substance used for pain control and stopping Norco abruptly can cause, nausea, vomiting, abd pain and jitteriness.

How effective is the withdrawal method after stopping birth control pills?

Depending on when you stopped using birth control can change the effectiveness of the withdrawal method. Missing one or two pills in your pill pack can cause you to become pregnant even if you use the withdrawal method. The withdrawal method is not very effective even without the use of birth control pills because the man does not have to ejaculate for a woman to get pregnant since there can be sperm in pre-ejaculate fluid. The withdrawal method usually results in pregnancy 8 times out of every 10 women or 80%. Therefore, this method is not very effective.

Is withdrawal an effective way of birth control?

No. Male pre-ejaculate can contain sperm and cause pregnancy. If you are concerned about preventing pregnancy I recommend you use other methods (birth control pills, condoms, etc) instead of the withdrawl method.

Does taking contraceptive pills once cause any side effect?

A single birth control pill may cause some nausea, but is unlikely to cause more symptoms than that.