

Can black kids be emo

Updated: 9/14/2023
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13y ago

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yes, black kids can be emo. gothic as well. seen it on festivals

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Q: Can black kids be emo
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Are there emo kids in Kalispell Mt?

Yes, there are many emo kids in Kalispell.

How can you be emo without black hair?

I'm emo and I don't have black hair. You can get an emo hair cut and dress emo.

Are there 10 year old emo kids?

Yeaa you could find some. Those kids normally have older siblings that are emos, or have an emo parent that raised their kids as emo's... lol!

Why doe people beat up emo kids?

cuz they wear a lot of black so who cares if we wear black and cut ourselves. its just what we do.

Is there black emo's?

Yes, there are Black individuals who are part of the emo subculture. Emo is characterized by a particular style of fashion, music, and emotional expression, and people of all races and backgrounds can identify with it.

Does Farnell or Webb middle school Which has more or any Emo kids?

Well farnell has more Emo kids and Webb has fewer Emo kids but Webb has like more scene-y and rocker-y type kids so yeah.

Is a White top with black bows emo?

If it's emo to you, then yes it is very emo.

What does emo scence mean?

People are generally called emo when we are wearing black and darker colours, where as a 'scene', is stereotypically wearing bright colours, kids t-shirts, with retro items and awesome jewellery

Are the black veil brides emo?

No, they're not emo at all!

Is black hair emo?

no! when i was young i had white hair and i was emo

Does anybody miss emo kids?


Can kids become emo?

If they want.