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Q: Can blood thinners reduce swelling in leg?
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How does elevating reduce swelling and bleeding?

Elevating a limb for example helps reduce swelling & bleeding because of gravity. Putting your leg or arm up enables gravity to help keep fluid from accumulating there. Likewise, it makes it harder for your blood to get to that part of your body...less blood means less bleeding.

What can you do for leg swelling?

You can put ice or heat on your leg, this will help with your swelling.

Why would your right leg swell?

Swelling can be caused by a blood clot, best to go to the doc...

What condition causes a tender spot on outer leg just below know on right leg with swelling down to foot?

could be cellulitus, or a blood clot in the leg

What is the meaning of elevate the injured leg?

Generally, it is to reduce or control swelling. Prop the leg up, preferably while lying down. And, support the knee as well for comfort.

What to do for swelling in your leg?

put ice on your leg when it swelling up really bad.

What are the symptoms of blood clots after arthroscopic knee surgery?

swelling. numbness. pain. in your calf area. call immediately it could be deadly.

What are the side-effects of leg blood clots?

A blood clot in the leg occurs within a large vein in the leg causing blood flow to be blocked. If you are experiencing pain in your leg and notice that it is swelling or becoming red, then you have a blood clot. If you notice these symptoms, you should seek medical treatment as soon as possible. Leaving a clot untreated could cause

Should leg be elevated for swelling of a snake bite?

should the leg be elevated for swelling from snake biting

Does swelling in the leg cause nerve damage?

Damage in the back would not be my first choice . . . but it could have put pressure on a major blood vessel. Leg and ankle swelling have more to do with heart disease or diabetes. You should see a doctor, very soon!

What symptoms to blood clots in the legs give?

There are several different symptoms you can experience if you have a blood clot in your leg. Some of these include swelling, pain, warmth and redness, and the leg may turn pale or even blue in color.

A DVT in 1987 and has caused leg swelling and leg ulcers due to swelling of the leg Are there any ways to restore the venous leg circulation through surgical procedures?

if you go to a hospital