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Q: Can bobwhite quails live with zebra finches?
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My aunt has a zebra finch in her backyard. We live in Canada. I read that zebra finches live in Australia. Do zebra finches ONLY live in the wild in Australia?

No, zebra finches can also be found in pet stores outside of Australia.

Do quails live in Wisconsin?

Yes, there are quails that live in Wisconsin. Quails can be found in almost every state in the United States.

Where do zebra finches live?

In Australia. (i think i spelled it wrong!)

Can canaries live with parrot finches or zebra finches?

No i wouldn't suggest it the budgie will kill the canary

Do quails live in South America?

Quails do live in South America.

What are animals that live in Decidious Forests?

The animals in the deciduous forest are beavers, black bears, squirrels, coyotes, American bald eagles, cardinals, bobwhite quails, opossums, muskrat, porcupine, cottontail rabbit, chipmunks, bobcats, wolves, and raccoons.

Where does a masked bobwhite live?

The bobwhite quail is native to Mexico, the Caribbean and the United States. They can live in habitats such as grassland, open woodland areas, and agricultural fields.

What other type of finches can zebra finches live with?

You can keep your zebra finch together with other birds as long as they aren't too much bigger than them. Anything far larger than them will bully them and attack them. They seem to be okay with other pet finch species and canaries. I wouldn't keep them with budgies though. They will get aggressive towards your finch.

How long does it take for Zebra Finches to sexually mature?

as i belive they are pretty much ready after their first molt so that about a month after they leave the nest and they arnt black/grey anymore though they wont breed in colder weather at least ours arnt breeding and its winter but we got heaps of chicks in summer

How long do zebra finches live?

They are egg layers who scatter their eggs/ova. Their ova are fertilised by the males outside the fishes body so they do not get pregnant

Are Quails in Africa?

Quails do indeed live in certain regions of Africa. Quails are considered a delicacy in some regions of Africa as locals enjoy their meat.

Where are quails found?

Quails can be found in most areas of the world. They prefer to live in forest areas and woody habitats.