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Gripping the bar can cause wrist pain. Also there may be too much weight on the bar. Try either of these things and see if it helps. If not see you doctor and he or she should be able to tell you what the problem is.

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Q: Can bodybuilding cause wrist pain
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Are there any wrist supports that prevent wrist pain when bodybuilding?

There are several options of wrist supports that can be used when bodybuilding. The Live strong website has several supports to choose from. They are great products with great reviews.

How can I manage intense wrist pain?

When typing be sure not to rest your wrist on the keyboard or any other thing in front of the keyboard. Resting your wrist causes it to bend and can cause pain. Be sure to leave your wrist elevated while typing.

What can you take for wrist pain?

Wrist pain is an extremely common complaint, and there are many common causes of this problem. It is important to make an accurate diagnosis of the cause of your symptoms so that appropriate treatment can be directed at the cause.

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There are a few negative points that could arise from not using a mouse pad, such as wrist pain. Ergonomic mouse pads will support the user's wrist and not using one could cause wrist pain after prolonged use.

How much muscle pain should I feel while bodybuilding?

When starting bodybuilding, you should feel minor aches and pains, this signifies that your muscles are developing resistance, which is the core of bodybuilding. As you gain muscle, the pain should start to fade after every workout.

Can a injury of hyperextention or car accident cause carpal tunnel?

Yes it is possible, if the wrist is hyperextended ie bent backwards this can stretch the ligaments, tendons and median nerve in the wrist or carpal tunnel, which can later cause pain, numbness and tingling.

Who discovered Bodybuilding?

Bodybuilding how it is known today was started by Eugene Sandow which used Michelangelo's "David" as inspiration. Charles Atlas was another man who helped the cause of Bodybuilding.

Could an injury to the wrist cause a piched nerve to the cervical area?

Thank you for your question. My answer is "No." However, an injury to the cervical spinal nerves or those even lower, like an injury to the axillary (armpit) nerves or those in the elbow region can cause the symptoms of a pinched nerve with pain in the wrist. Pain would be located at the nerve injury or down the limb from the injured nerve. The only way a wrist injury could possibly cause a pinched nerve to your cervical region is if your wrist injury caused you to hold your wrist in a position that would strain your neck and pinch the nerves there. Very difficult to do.

What are the negative effects of computers?

Using a computer can have some negative effects that include Computer Vision Syndrome, headaches, and neck pain. Typing can cause pain in the hand and wrist.

What are the Effect of using computer?

Using a computer can have some negative effects that include Computer Vision Syndrome, headaches, and neck pain. Typing can cause pain in the hand and wrist.

What are the negative effects of using computers?

Using a computer can have some negative effects that include Computer Vision Syndrome, headaches, and neck pain. Typing can cause pain in the hand and wrist.

What is the most common cause of a wrist injury?

The most common cause of wrist injury would be a wrist sprain this can come from being over worked or from injury. Carpal Tunnel is another cause of wrist injury.