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sure but they should be the same sex unless you want more tortoises

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Yes no maybe so.

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Yes u can my science teacher always did

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depends how big the tank is

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Q: Can box turtles and geckos live together in the same cage?
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Goldies (G.Ulikovskii) and cresteds (R.Cilatus) are from different parts of the world. the goldies live in temperatures of 90-105F during their days, cresteds cannot live in temps reading over 85. No, they cannot be housed together in the same terrarium.

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yes, they can live together in a house. but not in the same cage .so make sure that they do not live in a cage together

Can painted turtles and slider turtles live together?

yes,because in the wild they usually live together and people who have those two turtles say that they get along.

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This is some reasons a leopard geckos and Madagascar day geckos can't live together: #1: Madagascars have a different environment than leopard geckos. Madagascar day geckos live in tropical conditions and leopard geckos live in desert conditions. #2 they would be fighting because they are territorial.

What can a fatailed geckos live with?

Nothing, Do not house multiple species together.

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no turtles will eat any fish they can catch

Do geckos live in salt water?

Geckos live on the earth.

Do turtles stay together as a clan of some sort?

Turtles do not live together as a group or family. However, some species will travel together to the breeding ground to mate.

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guinea pigs and chipmunks should not live together.

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Can two slider turtles live together?

Well, in my experience my two male red- eared sliders get along pretty well. Sometimes they will fight for food.