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Blood type is an inherited trait from both parents. If one parent were A- and the other A+. The kids can inherit either.

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Q: Can brother and sister one be A positive and one A negative?
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You are positive n your mom is negative not sure what your dad is but your old brother n sister is negative can they be your full sister n brother or only half?

Upon conception, you receive an allele from your mother and one from your father. Yes these could be your full brother and sister because your father could be positive with a recessive negative allele and you could've received a positive from him whereas your siblings could've received the negative allele from him. You and your siblings can only get a negative allele from your mom because her two are negative.

How many brother and sister he had?

he has one brother one sister

Rules for adding integers?

When you add: a negative and a negative: you get a negative a positive and a positive: you get a positive a positive and a negative or a negative and a positive: Subtract the addend with the smaller value from the greater one. If the greater one is positive, your answer will be positive. If the greater addend is negative, your answer will be negative.

Does jade smith have a sister and brother?

Yes.He has one sister and one brother

How do you add positive and negative fractions?

-- Remember which one was positive and which was negative, then forget about the signs.-- Write down the one that was positive-- Subtract from it the one that was negative(Notice that if the negative one was bigger, then the answer will be negative.)

What is the relationship between your sister-in-law and your brother?

Your sister-in-law is either the wife of your brother or the sister of your spouse. If you have more than one brother, and your sister-in-law is the wife of one brother, then she is the sister-in-law of the other. If your sister-in-law is the sister of your spouse, she has no direct relationship to your brother. He can call her "my brother's sister-in-law", or "my nephew's aunt."


a son of one's brother or sister, or of one's brother-in-law or sister-in-law.

What is the positive and negative advantages?

Positive one are helpful, negative one are unhelpful

When you mutiply a positive number by a negative one what is the sign of the answer?

The answer will ALWAYS be negative positive x negative=negative and vice versa positive x positive= positive

When you multiply a positive number by a negative by a negative one what is the sign of the answer?

A negative times a positive is a negative and that negative times a negative would = a positive. So the answer would be a positive number. *<:)

Did shahid had brother or sister?

he has one brother

What was one positive and negative of the growth of railroads?

What was one positive and negative of the growth of railroads