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Q: Can bv cause a false pregnancy test?
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Can having a BV cause a false negative on a pregnancy test?

BV won't cause a false negative on a pregnancy test.

Can bv prevent pregnancy?

BV won't prevent pregnancy.

You had bv a few times what are your chances of having an ectopic pregnancy?

Your chances of having an ectopic pregnancy from BV is about zero.

Can BV cause period to stop for 5 months?

BV won't cause period to stop for 5 months.

Can bacterial vaginosis be detected by an urine test?

BV can't be detected by a urine test. BV is found physical exam, pH testing of the vaginal fluid, or microscopic exam of the fluid, or a combination of these.

Is flagyl safe to take while pregnant for bv?

It is not recommended to take flagyl during pregnancy.

Why do you keep getting bv?

BV is an imbalance of bacteria in the vagina. Since ejaculate is basic and not acidic, having ejaculate in the vagina increases the pH and causes BV. Some women have BV without sexual intercourse, and for some reason the normal vagina flora is disrupted. If you are having sex with different men, that can cause BV as well.

Fishy odor you did the research and you think you may have BV What could have been the cause your IUD Mirena or could your husband possibly being unfaithful Could you have caught it from him?

Your husband can't pass BV to you. A fishy odor is sometimes caused by trich. Ejaculate in the vagina, which affect the pH, may cause BV. In some women, the cause is unknown.

Can a women pass bv to a man?

BV is not transferred from a man to a woman; however, bacterial vaginosis can be caused by ejaculation. Ejaculation and penetration can shift the bacterial balance in the vagina and can change the natural pH level, which is a cause of BV.

Can bacteria vaginosis cause bleeding during pregnancy?

I'm 11 weeks and 5 days and I spotting right before my 9th week. It only lasted a day. I went to the doctor and found out i had BV. I am now taking the medicine for BV but I still bleed on New Years Eve and a couple of days afterward. So I would say yes, it does.

Can bacterial vaginosis cause bites that apppear as insect bites on skin?

BV does not cause bites or a rash. Sometimes BV is associated with trichomoniasis. If you have a rash in the vulvar area, contact your health care provider to find out if you were screened for trich when you were diagnosed with BV. Trich is harder to diagnose and is often missed in women with BV, particularly if they were diagnosed without the health care provider looking under the microscope at the vaginal discharge.

Can bacterial vaginosis cause cervicitis?

Bacterial vaginosis is not an inflammatory condition, and so it does not cause cervicitis. A women with only bacterial vaginosis does not present with redness, swelling or heat in the vagina, vulva, or cervix. Trichomonas, which is almost always accompanied by BV, may cause inflammation of the female genitalia (vulvitis, cervicitis, and/or vaginitis.)