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Can u die by using caffeine?

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Q: Can caffeine use disrupt the production of neurotransmitters by the soma region of the cell?
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What region of the cell secretes neurotransmitters?

an axon terminal

Functions of the Dendrite?

Receptive region of neuron-- bear receptors for neurotransmitters released by other neurons.

In what wavelength region does caffeine fluoresce?

When excited by 532 nm green light, caffeine has been seen to fluoresce in the 625 nm wavelength region. This is visible orange light.

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Is there a green tea that is caffeine free?

No. Green tea has caffeine, although it has less caffeine than "normal" black tea.

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Operation Chastise as the dam busters raid was officially known was an attempt to disrupt the war production in the Ruhr Valley in Germany. The Ruhr Valley was a area dedicated for a large amount of the German war production. Many large industrial towns such as Dortmund & Essen lay within the region. Even before the war had started Bomber Command planners had recognised the dams as strategic targets because of the role they played in hydroelectric production in the region. Destroying them would severely disrupt the production of tanks and other weapon systems. Also destruction of the dams would also effect drinking water through out the western side of German as well as water for the canal network that was very important in transporting goods at the time.

What region in the US is best suited for grain production?

None, it's burger production or no production at all.

Chemical messengers that carry the message across the synaptic gap?

Amongst the neuro-transmitter substances, Acitylcholine is there which is secreted in the synaptic region of axons and muscle-fibres since there is no phyiscal gap between them. Their main function is to pass the stimulation to the nerve fibre.

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The answer varies from country to country. And within countries, it varies from region to region.

What is an economic region of production?

The economic region of production shows the combinations of factors at a certain cost that make economic sense. Areas outside the economic region of production mean that at least one of the inputs has zero or negative marginal productivity. This region is marked by what are called ridge lines, which are simply the boundaries beyond which one of the two factors is being overused. Therefore, outside the economic region of production, there is clear inefficiency, and the company would be better of using less of one of the two factors, bringing costs down whilst maintaining equal production output. Graphically:

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