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The initial depression can be created by a glacier and running water from the melting ice then becomes a river that will cut the area down to bedrock.

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Q: Can canyons be formed by glaciers?
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Are all canyons created by water?

No, not all canyons are created by water. While many canyons are indeed formed by the erosion caused by rivers or streams, other canyons are created through other geological processes such as tectonic activity, volcanic activity, or glacial activity. These canyons can be formed by processes like faulting, volcanic eruptions, or the retreat of glaciers.

How do you know that glaciers were here?

valleys and canyons are sometimes created by glaciers.

What types of impacts caused by glaciers?

canyons can be created

How does water change canyons?

Canyons are formed by water.It is so so so so amazing how it is formed!I have always been wondering how canyons were formed!

How many canyons are in Utah?

Utah has so many canyons because when glaciers came through Utah it left the ground in the form of a canyon. rephrased:there are so many canyons because of the glaciers

Which glacial feature has steep cliffs?

Some were, if in the mountains. Glaciers carve out deep U-section valleys with very steep sides and headwalls. Coastal cliffs though are formed by the sea eroding the land, and the nature of the cliff depends very much on the rock in which it is being cut.

How does weathering and erosion shape the land and objects?

E.g, glaciers can gorge out canyons

Which process formed the rocks layers in the canyon wall?

The majority of canyons are formed by long-time erosion. Rivers flowing, glaciers moving, and earthquakes can all result in canyon formation.

Are canyons only formed in hot places?

No, there are canyons in cold places and underwater.

How are continental and valley glaciers?

Continental glaciers are thicker and larger. Valley glaciers are formed on mountains; continental glaciers are formed on flat land.

What was formed over thousands of years because of the thawing and freezing of water?

it formed glaciers it formed glaciers

When are tunra formed?

tundra are formed when glaciers of water freezes. tundra are formed when glaciers of water freezes.