

Can carbon gain 4electrons

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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Yes: Carbon can gain 4 electrons from less electronegative elements to form a carbide ion with a charge of -4 in an ionic compound. (More often, however, a carbon atoms will share four electrons with other atoms to form covalent bonds.)

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Q: Can carbon gain 4electrons
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Why does carbon neither gain nor lose electrons to become stable?

Carbon needs to either gain 4 electrons or lose them. This is extremely difficult and energetically unfavorable. It is far easier to share them instead.

How does carbon atom become stable?

The only way a carbon atom becomes stable is if they gain or lose electrons. Typically carbon will bond with other elements to do this.

Why carbon forms a covalent bond?

carbon has 4 electrons in valence shell. In order to form ionic compound, carbon should either gain four electrons or lose four electrons; both of which required high energy and is not easy. so carbon will share its electrons by forming covalent bond and gain stability.

Why does carbon does not gain or loose 4 electron to complete its octet?

by sharing its electrons

Gains or loses electrons for carbon?

Carbon can both gain and lose electrons. We "see" it every day in the form of compounds or in pure substance.

An element that has two outer electrons seeks to gain six more?

An element that has two outer electrons is carbon. Carbon would not use the energy to gain six more electrons when it can easily get rid of the two outer electrons.

Most carbon compounds are formed by sharing electrons with carbon?

Yes, true. Carbon has 4 valence electrons. Therefore, it is harder to to lose and gain 4 electrons. So it simply shares.