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Many people (old or young) are allergic to cat dander.

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Is the hair of Persian cat unhealthy or bad for human?

It is the dander of a cat that can cause allergies in humans. The hair of a Persian cat can cause allergies.

What is cat dander and what does it look like?

no one but God can see cat dander

What is the best way to remove cat dander?

best way to eleminate cat dander when inside cat never goes outside

How do you get cat dander out of a mattress?

Removing cat dander from a mattress is simple. First vacuum the mattress then steam clean it and set it out to dry.

What is cat epithelium?

Cat Epithelium is the cat's skin or dander. This is what most people with cat allergies are allergic to.

If someone is allergic to a cat dander are they allergic to parakeets?

no no

Is cat and guinea pig dander the same?

no not really

How long will cat dander remain after cat dies?

For quite sometime. It's best to have a professional come in and do all your carpets and furniture as the best preventative measure against dander.If you are talking about cat dander on the cat itself it will be there until the cat decays.Up to two years.

What does cat dander look like?

small white flakes

Are rag dolls hypoallergenic?

No, they are not. Ragdolls have as much fur and dander as any other cat varietal, and it is the dander which humans are allergic to, if they are allergic to cats.

What could happen to your nose if you have a cat?

If you are allerigic to the cat. the cats dander would make you have a stuffy nose .

How do cats affect asthma?

Cat dander because of all the pollen and dust found in the dander.