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Cell-food looks to me to be more like hype designed to SELL-food than to kill strep throat or provide any other true & scientifically proven health benefit. There may be some legitimate benefits. In the absence of complete ingredients lists, it is impossible to tell. They claim that "CELLFOOD utilizes a proprietary water-splitting technology that provides a powerful stream of bio-available oxygen plus 129 nutrients directly to the cells".

All of the food you eat goes through a complex set of digestion functions on both the macro and micro level. Your body processes the nutrients and delivers them to the cells as needed via the circulatory system or stores them for later use. Some nutrients (simple sugars such as sucrose, fructose, lactose, glucose, & dextrose) are processed & delivered to the cells more quickly than other nutrients. Complex carbohydrates, proteins, & fats go through the digestion processes more slowly than simple sugars. How a food delivers nutrients and oxygen "directly to the cells" bypassing all digestive, circulatory, & respiratory processes is beyond my comprehension.

Most healthy people have an oxygen saturation (the percentage of hemoglobin binding sites in the bloodstream that are occupied by oxygen) at or near 100%. They don't all eat CellFood to make that happen. When we exercise, we use oxygen more rapidly than when we are at rest; & we breathe more rapidly to take in oxygen more rapidly. Too much oxygen can actually cause great harm & even death from oxygen toxicity. Under certain circumstances, too much oxygen causes human beings to stop breathing because the excess oxygen displaces carbon dioxide (CO2), the trigger to take a breath.

Water is one oxygen atom combined with two hydrogen atoms, "H2O". When you separate or "split" water into hydrogen & oxygen (one method is electrolysis) you have an explosive mixture of the two gasses, hydrogen & oxygen, that can be used to power a rocket. As a licensed medical professional, it looks much more like a sales gimmick than a group of products that are based in solid (independent, consistently replicated, double-blind, in vivo) scientific research. A single study is a very long way from scientific proof.

If you already know for sure that you have strep throat, that means that you have been to see your doctor or other health care provider & had a strep test. If you don't know it's strep for sure, you should see your doctor as soon as possible.

Strep throat is highly contagious, can sometimes be quite serious and cause permanent damage to vital organs. I strongly encourage you to follow your doctor's instructions for treating strep throat.

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