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Only certain ones, and you have to summon them. Look up how to in the chaos space marines codex. I believe they come in like reserves and you have to sacrifice an HQ.

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Q: Can chaos deamons go in the chaos space marines?
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Are space marines the best?

Answer: It depends on how you use them. They are not to good at range, but when you get within 24 inches with a few boltguns they're amazing. Their tanks are pretty good but they don't have a substantial long range blast template weapon. Their fast attack is some of the best in my view, transports are really good for transports. Overall if you're looking for a short range good heavy support, and good close combat, Space Marines are your best bet.Another answer: In short no, the space marines are not the best. Each army has both its strengths and weaknesses. Space marines are powerful and one of the most popular armies, but they are small in numbers. Check out each army's strengths and weaknesses. Check them all out, find out which one YOU like best, if you like necrons go with them, tau go with them. Do what YOU want. In short again, space marines are not necessarily THE best.

Can you play with mixed space marine chapters?

Yes and No. if your having a battle with some friends then by all means, Go ahead. Now if its part of a tournament then its a bit trickeyer, it manly depends on the chapters and the enemy. If its an Apocalypse battle then you can, no questions asked. you can even use two armies (unless its Space Marines and chaos or Eldar and Dark Eldar or Eldar and Necrons for they are enemy's no matter the surcumstances) Hope I've been helpful :)

Im getting some chaos marines for your birthday what should I get?

well, If you haven't got an army yet, Id start with a battleforce and ask for an HQ to go with it. Before shipping that would go to about $110.00. As for bolstering the army I'd go for the special ones like Plague Marines that are for the God you favor. Then of course theres Daemons, Terminators are always nice, as are Obliterators and Land Raiders. Hope that helped!

Where can one go to sign up for the Marines?

One can sign up for the Marines directly on the Marines website. Those in the United States for example would go onto the Marines website and contact a recruiter.

How do you get Hamon lord of striking thunder?

you can get hamon by beating every one in the neo space part of chaos five times and get the chaos of nothing pack or go to order and talk to soul of purity and it might say you can get hamon if you beat it

Where is chaos crypt in AQW?

To get to the chaos crypt you will have to go to SHADOWFALL and talk to GRAVELYN and do the CHAOS CRYPT quest.

What age is space marine?

they are genetic made born war killers, they would go about 150 to 200 years old but the oldest is maybe 400 to 300 or are you asking how long the space marines have been around.

Is tau or Space marines best for a newbie?

it does not matter which army you go for you will lose and win games with any army just go with the one that you think looks coolest ps i have blood angels they rule