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In some areas of the body, chiropractic techniques have been found to be useful to improve motion

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Q: Can chiropractic techniques treat contractures
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Related questions

What is used to treat contractures?

Range of motion (ROM) exercises help to prevent contracture. Chemicals can be used to prevent contractures. Contractures can be released by cutting the shortened tendon or transferring it surgically to a different site on the bone.

What are the z-plasty and w-plasty methods of scar revision surgery?

surgical techniques used to treat contractures and to minimize the visibility of scars by repositioning them along the natural lines and creases in the patient's skin

Can chiropractic treat headaches?

Some types of headache can also be successfully treated by chiropractic

What chiropractic techniques can be used to treat pain?

Chiropractors treat patients by manipulating joints and the spine. It is believed that pain, especially back pain, is caused by misalignment of the spine. This form of treatment is most effective in patients with persistent back pain and neck problems.

Can Yoga treat contractures?

Yoga can help prevent as well as rehabilitate a contracture and can facilitate the return of joint mobility

What are some examples of chiropractic marketing?

There is a variety of examples of chiropractic marketing. You can have local ads and discounts in the paper. You can also have a website and use SEO techniques to get it up the rankings.

Where do contractures happen?

Contractures can occur at any joint of the body

Can Massage therapy treat contractures?

Massage therapy can be beneficial by promoting additional circulation to joint structures, causing better elasticity

How does one treat pain naturally?

Some of the most popular treatment options include herbal therapies, nutritional therapies, homeopathy, acupressure and acupuncture , massage, chiropractic, guided imagery , and relaxation techniques, such as yoga , hypnosis, and meditation .

What causes most contractures?

Immobilization is the most frequent cause of joint contractures

What are examples of any company that use techniques of personal selling?

There are quite a few examples of companies that use techniques for personal selling. Chiropractic services are an excellent example.

What is the use of contractures?

Contractures are the shortening of various soft tissues in the human body after a spinal cord injury. You must do range of motion exercises in order to prevent contractures from happening.