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Q: Can chlorine bleach be used in a pool?
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Can i mix pool chlorine and bleach?

Bleach is unstabilized chlorine. It is just a weaker form of the chlorine you buy at the pool store.

What effect does chlorine and clothes have in the pool?

Chlorine is bleach and it could bleach out your clothes if concentration is high.

If a person is allergic to bleach can they swim in a pool?

If a person is allergic to bleach they should not swim in a pool. Most pools contain chlorine, which is a form of bleach used to disinfect and sanitize water.

Can you use pool chlorine in washing machine?

I do. Use half as much. Pool chlorine is 12.5% sodium hypochlorite Laundry bleach that I use is 6% sodium hypochlorite. Sometimes I dilute the pool chlorine by one part water to one part pool chlorine and use it just like regular laundry bleach.

What to use instead of chlorine in a pool?


Is chlorine used in bleach?

in chlorine bleach it is.

Is the chlorine used by a pool chlorinator the same as household bleach?

Chlorine used in pools is much different from household bleach. Pool chlorine contains bacteria killing agents that are safe for human contact and, in most cases, do not cause health issues or rashes if used in moderation. Also pool chlorine does not have color removing agents and will not turn anything 'white', it is strictly used to keep pool water clean, bacteria free and clear. Household bleach, on the other hand, can be harmful to humans, animals and can also remove the color from clothing.

Can you put bleach in a kitty pool?

Yes but you also need chlorine stabilizer (CYA) or the chlorine will be destroyed by sunlight in a very short time or you need to add the bleach in doses thoughout the day to maintain the chlorine level. Bleach is the same as liquid pool chlorine but at a lower concentration.

How do you clean the algae from your pool then maintain it?

sock it with chlorine, bleach

I can't get pool chlorine in the town I live in and I'm wondering if you can use household bleach as a substitute?

Yes, bleach is Sodium Hypochlorite, or commonly referred to as liquid chlorine in the pool business.

What are some chlorine substances?

chlorine bleach, tap water, salt, swimming pool water.

How is chloride used in everyday life?

Chloride is the ion, Cl-. There is chloride in sodium chloride, which is salt. In addition, bleach contains chlorine. The water in a pool also has chlorine.