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Q: Can cholesterol medication give metal taste in Mouth?
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A metallic taste in the mouth can be caused by any of many things. It is often a side effect of medication. but what if you've been off the medication for 4days and still have that taste in your mouth??

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What does it mean if you taste money in your mouth?

It means there may be a coin type taste in your mouth, that kinda tastes like metal.

What are causes of metal taste in mouth?

A metallic taste in the mouth is a common complaint and can be due to a variety of causes - from medication you may be taking to dental problems. In the absence of other symptoms, it is unlikely that a metallic taste in your mouth indicates serious disease. But if you haven't had a thorough general checkup recently, I would suggest seeing your doctor to rule out any undiagnosed health problems.

What can the taste of rust in my mouth be caused by?

Sometimes it can taste like rust/metal because your gum is bleeding and it has a kind of metally taste

What does it means when you have a metalic taste in your mouth?

Metal taste in your mouth could be caused by a few factors: either you are suffering a gum disease, or are undertaking medication which causes this effect or that you are lacking enough iron in your body. If it persist for more than a day, its time to see your dentist and/or your general practitioner respectively so as to get the right cause of it.

Is a tinny or metal taste in your mouth a symptom of pregnancy?

It's possible that I'm pregnant. I haven't had many other symptoms except the past couple weeks off and on I get the taste of metal in my mouth. My friend told me it was a symptom but I've never heard that. I am pregnant and I have noticed a weird taste in my mouth. I get the metallic taste in my mouth right before my period, so maybe it is hormonal. Yes! If you do an internet search for "pregnancy symptoms" you will find that having a metal taste in mouth is among the top symptoms. When I have pregnant of my first baby, the first thing I notice was that metal taste in my mouth which I nerver had before. Now, we are trying for a second child (we should know for sure this week-end), I got the same metal taste in my mouth for the past 3 days. No...I got a metallic taste in my mouth and have had it for the past 4 days. Ive been on the pill for years and was freaking out that I was pregnant, I felt like I had other symptoms too. I took 4 urine tests and a blood test and all of them were negative. Turns out I was dehydrated.

What could be a diagnosis of a tinny taste in mouth?

It could be a sinus or gum infection, but just to be safe, you need to see your doctor. Also, if you are on a new medication, ask your pharmacist if this could be one of the side effects of the new med.

Will trichomoniasis cause bad breath?

Trichomoniasis does not infect the mouth, and does not cause bad breath. However, the medication causes a funny metallic taste in your mouth.

What happens when you short kool aid?

Sour metal taste in your mouth and lots of heartburn.

Why do you taste metal in your mouth when you have a headache?

Fever or a medical nerological illness called Timoyetonocidis.

What does gold taste like?

no taste at all. for example, iron has a metallic taste that comes from ionization reaction in your mouth. so the metallic taste of iron actually comes from the rust than the metal. but gold is extremely unreactive metal and would not give you any perceivable flavor