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Yes it does work.

Completely cover the tag in clear nail varnish and allow to dry.

Do this twice a day, most say it takes 1 to 2 weeks but the longest it's taken me to remove one is 5 days.

It might sting a little when you first apply the varnish, but so does getting them frozen off in the doctors! You won't won't find a cheaper method.

Best of luck ;)


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11y ago

I inadvertantly used fingernail polish removwr insteas of fingernail polish. Used folded toilet paler and dabbed it on twice a day. It has been about 5 days and the tag is completely gone and the skin is smooth. There is a sleight pink spot where it was.

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sadly no

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Well actually no. Highly unlikely...ringworm is a fungus that grows under the skin and thrives in a moist environment. Covering the lesion with fingernail polish will hold moisture in and probably improve your crop of fungus.

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NO, NO, NO!!! If the chemicals get inside your skin, it will most likely travel through your bloodstreams and severely damage your heart, brain, etc.

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use clear fingernail polish (or colored if you have to) and apply it over the bite. the red bugs attach at the surface of the skin and you need to stop their air supply to kill them. if you scratch them until the surface is red and swollen it will only only prolong their life under the skin.

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