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At least nine months, probably longer. I have sprouted several that washed up on my beach from parts unknown.

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Q: Can coconuts float long enough to cross an ocean?
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How a coconut tree adapted to their habitats?

The coconuts trap air in them as they grow so if they fall in the ocean they will float away.

What planetcan float in water?

That would be Saturn, since it lacks in density it would be light enough to float in an ocean big enough for it.

How do coconut seeds disperse?

Coconuts are large seeds that float. Coconut palms grow near ocean shorelines, where the nuts are caught up by tides. This distributes the coconuts around the world on the ocean currents.

What planet would float if you could find an ocean big enough?


How coconuts move from island to island?

Coconuts move from island to island by drifting in the ocean

What is the seed dispersal for a coconut?

Coconuts are dispersed by water which they float on, and further along the river/water it is washed onto a different river bank.answer 2 Coconuts can certainly survive an ocean journey, and produce a plant at the chance ending. This accounts for the ocean-edge trees, but it almost certain that all inland trees are the result of deliberate planting by man. It is such a useful plant, that increasing the bounty would be a driver for all but the most unthinking.

Are there coconuts in the North Atlantic Ocean?

Nope thereisn't. There are only coconuts in more tropical areas. Why on Earth would coconuts grow where it is cold?!

Why is coconut seed is most likely dispersed by water?

Coconuts are covered in the air tight 'hairs' that make it float on the ocean, so its dispersal mechanism is the use of water, or just 'Water'. -98colree40677

Can a drowned body cross the ocean?

If it weighs under 86 pounds, then yes. 108,642 out of 140,000 drowned bodies float across every ocean each year.

Do coconuts grow in Africa?

Yes they grow by the Atlantic Ocean

Does metal or steel float in the dead sea?

No. It may be denser than the ocean, but nowhere near dense enough.

What do jellyfish float on in the ocean?

they do not float on any thing