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Yes it's possible to spread a cold sore while there are any signs of a break out and even when it's being treated. Don't kiss any one or give oral sex, cold sores are very contgious while there is any sign of a break out.

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Q: Can cold sores spread while taking acyclocir?
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Can cold sores kill you?

Cold sores are not fatal. While they're an annoyance, they are not dangerous.

Do both people get a cold sores on their lips from kissing?

If you have mouth to mouth contact with a person who has an active outbreak (a cold sore) you may contract it as well. Cold sores are caused by Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and 2 (HSV-1 and HSV-2). It is important to note that HSV sores can be spread by contact to other parts of the body. Currently, while there are treatments available, there is no known cure for HSV.

How do you treat a canker sores?

Orajel works on canker sores. Buy it at most pharmacies.

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Do someone has to have sores in the mouth to pass on oral herpes?

They would have to have cold sores, which more commonly occur on the out side of the mouth. It's more likely for oral herpes (cold sores) to be passed on via oral sex while there are any signs of a break out.

Are cold sores contagious when they are not visible?

Yes, they can be. As long as your body has the bug it can be given to other people if for example, they were to come within contact of your mouth like kissing Although it is true that cold sores can be spread when you dont have an is highly unlikely. If the lips arent irritated you will most likely be fine to come into contact with them. You don't need to worry, the virus is only contagious when it is activated and causes a sore on your mouth or genitals depending on which virus it is. If other people come into contact with this sore then they may acquire the virus, but I think everyone has had a cold sore in their life and has this virus laying dormant in their bodies. It's just that some people suffer more than others.

Do face sores result from Heroin use?

Alot of drug adicts have sores all over their faces and arms because while high, they constantly pick and scratch at their skin.

My horse has open scabs sores in her ears with ticks I think they have been there for a while What would help get rid of them I've heard that tea tree oil helps?

While wearing gloves, place petroleum jelly on the open scabs. The petroleum jelly will prevent flies from entering the sores. Reapply every few days until the sores scab over.

What is the outcome of cold sores to the patient?

Nothing really. All cold sores do is cause pain full blisters or sores on the mouth. Cold sores don't cause any other infections and they can get less sever over time. They just have to be more care full with sharing food and giving oral sex to their partners which should be abstained from while they have a cold sore.

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